Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Fudge

I promised in my last post that due to my ongoing weight loss efforts there would be no cookie or candy making taking place at my house this year. I know. Sucks the joy right out of everything, doesn't it. But this doesn't mean I can't pass along a family recipe to you.

I am sharing my Christmas Fudge recipe with you. Actually, it's not mine. It's my mom's. And she got it from her mom who got it from her get the picture. This was one of our Cousin Camp Cooking School recipe from last summer. The pictures are from that particular fudge making session. The players are younger, but the fudge is just as yummy.  And by the way...The recipe is actually called Chocolate Fudge. I have always called it Christmas Fudge because we usually made it at Christmas. And because I am the oldest child I declared it to be so. I'm bossy like that.

Just thought I would share my cute little momma's fashion sense with you. I need to get me some of those little girl's bow shaped barrettes. My niece Maddie and Ama (the grandkids name for Mom) stir up the ingredients. Just simply Cocoa powder, sugar, milk, salt and corn syrup at first.

Everybody gets a stir. We are equal opportunity stirrers.

Butter you up a pan. This is very important. Butter is one of the main food groups. Unless you are trying to lose a lot of weight. Sorry. I'm not trying to impose my own issues on you.

This is my mom's butter dish. Butter tastes better when housed in a ceramic cow. Didn't you know that? Not that I would know. I haven't had butter in at least 5 months.

So somehow I missed downloaded the pictures of the actual cooking of the fudge on the stove. But you need to do that. You cook gently until candy can be formed into a soft ball when put in cool water.

It helps if you give it a good look see.

After it's done, stir in some butter  and let it cool without stirring. Then add in vanilla and stir it up pretty good until it's no longer glossy. Don't you like my really specific directions? The important part is licking the spoon when it's all said and done.

And then the eating of the Christmas Fudge. That's the best part of all.

Here is the recipe as promised.

2/3 cups of milk
3-4 Tablespoons of baking cocoa
2 cups of sugar
dash of salt
1 teaspoon of corn syrup.

Combine all above ingredients and cook gently until it forms into a ball when dropped into a cup of cold water. Remove from heat, add 2 Tablespoons of butter and cook without stirring until lukewarm. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla and beat until no longer glossy and it will begins to hold it's shape. Pour into a buttered pan. Cut into squares. Share with your favorite blogger (sorry...I'm still trying here.)

Merry Christmas and Happy Fudge Making!

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