Thursday, January 1, 2015

My Word for 2015: Abundance

Have you created a New Year's Resolution?

I have a few. I like to take some time during the New Year to reexamine my goals, my life and my priorities.

Sometimes I need to get my brain and heart back in line with what is important to me. Something that helps me focus is finding a word that encompasses my heart's desires.

This year my word is Abundance.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I can get so caught up in the trivial things. Or overwhelmed with those not so trivial things.

Despite my circumstances, I want to live a beautiful life. Living a beautiful life doesn't mean I have an abundance of material possessions or those things that the world thinks of as valuable.

It means that I take joy in the small things....that I am grateful for those little moments. It means that I live with purpose and that I am good to myself. It all so means that I share what I have with those around me...even if it is a good word or smile.

One of my goals this year is to share with you what I am learning and what I am living...the good and the bad. We need to encourage each other in this journey!

Have you thought of a word for your New Year?


  1. I never really thought about abundance as far as the little moments.. What a wonderful way to look at it :)

  2. Love this, Rebekah. I think we are all abundantly blessed if we only learn to look for it :-)


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