Sunday, March 8, 2020

DAY 11. It's getting real now. I'm doing this thing. I realize that writing for a whole 30 days doesn't sound like much...but. It's good for me. I need to be consistent. It's goal stuff.

Today I want to write about A Perfect Day.

We all have what we think makes for a good day. Sometimes it is just a day free of drama.

Unless you are one of those who makes your own drama. You know what I am talking about!

When I think of what would constitute a perfect day it would look something like this.

I would wake up in the morning. Brilliant, I know. But there have been some days I've wondered.

I would feel energized, refreshed, and skinny. Just sayin'.

I would make my bed and tidy up my cozy, but exquisitely decorated bedroom.

My breakfast would be healthy and filling. When I settled down to do homeschool with my son, he would zip through his subjects with all the smarts and dedication I know he has.

I am pouring myself a second cup of Earl Gray tea when I hear a knock at the door. Who could it be?

It is my parents! Making a surprise visit from Missouri. The Muffin shows up from his office across the church parking lot. We head out for a perfect flea marketing day. We find a booth that is practically giving away all their beautiful china, lovely antique linens, and restored furniture.

Blessed be!

At some point in the day, we enjoy some sushi. And I make my way to my nail salon for a much-deserved pedicure.

When we return home from our day out that afternoon someone has cleaned my entire house! We spend the evening making French Chicken and cheesecake. I end the day with a hot soak in the tub and a long book.

Just before my perfect day ends I find out that I have one a huge gift card prize from my favorite online boutique.

Amen. Thank you, Jesus. Blessed be.

Obviously, my perfect day has been filled with people, good bargains and some fun treats. And most importantly some of the people I love the most are enjoying it with me.

Except I can't imagine the Muffin, Josiah or my Dad really appreciating the pedicure.

What a waste.

All of my daydreaming is fun, but I have learned some valuable truths in my almost 48 years of life. A perfect day doesn't have to consist of big adventures or even bigger closeout sales. Maybe all you are capable of this point in your life is enjoying a perfect moment with a cup of tea and a minute of quiet.

It's the moments and minutes that we can't let pass by. And perfection is simply in the eye of the beholder.

To be honest, most days a perfect day for me is one in which I can appreciate the blessings I have been given. The roof over my head. The food in the refrigerator. The relationships in my life.

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