Saturday, October 5, 2013

Happy Anniversary To Me - 22 Years!

Today I (along with The Muffin) am celebrating 22 years of wedded bliss. That’s a lot of years.
Especially considering I was only 12 when I got married. 

Actually, I was 19. When means I was practically a baby. 

2 years ago (on our 20thth wedding anniversary) I shared with you just a thoughts on Mawage.

We interrupt this blog post for a quote from one of my favorite movies, The Princess Bride.

Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam… And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva… So tweasure your wuv.

Ha! Classic! I am snorting as I type. Thank you for indulging me. 

Anyhoo. Back to matter at hand. Here is my words…straight from that particular blog post. I tried to improve on my original words, but just couldn't. I still feel the same way.

1. You can't be married for 20 years and not develop some pretty groovy insight. My advice to young couples. IT'S NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU! Sometimes it's just about keeping your mouth shut and being a supportive spouse. You don't have to tell all you know.

2. Sometimes the best thing that you can do for your marriage is having hobbies and interests all your own. One person is never going to meet all of your needs. Only God can accomplish that. It is unfair and unrealistic  to ask your spouse to be all things to you. And it puts quite a bit of pressure on the relationship.

3. That being said, be sure to make time to spend time together. Even if you have to schedule the time. And it's not always going to be dinner out. Or weekends away. I think we've fallen for these commercialized images of what "Romance" should look like. Be creative. Some of my favorite times have been just microwave popcorn and a movie at home.

4. I am a pretty private person. I realize that's hard to believe. After all, I have a public blog. But when I am stressed or overwhelmed I tend to withdraw into myself. Some days, If you knew half of what I really thought you would be the first to recommend me for commitment to the nearest facility (as to what facility...take your pick...I'm still waiting for the day when someone commits me to the nearest spa). It is important for me to have an outlet to express myself other than taking it out on my family. I have had experiences that no one else can really understand...a lot of us have. However, it's not healthy to wrap ourselves up self-pity and assume that because of that no one really cares. In fact, it can be deadly to all of your relationships.

I want to add one more thing little thought this year. And I need to add it with a confession. I haven’t always been really good at this. Ashamedly. 

5. This year I am striving to treat my husband like the wonderful gift he is. Trust me. There are days that I would rather focus on the things that irritate me. Maybe he doesn’t always act like the “wonderful gift” I think he should be. Nevertheless, I want him to feel like he is treasured. After all, I am not that great of catch myself some days. There are days when I am whiney (who me?), demanding and just plain hard to live with. But when it is all said and done, I want him to know I am on his side.

Happy Anniversary to the Bestest  Guy I know! 

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