Josiah and I recently had the chance to review The Victus Study Skills System. This included Teacher’s Edition and Student Workbook.
I took my basics in college at a community college. Best decision
ever. One of the classes that was required was called “Study Skills.” I can’t
tell you how much that class benefited me. One thing I have always struggled
with has been procrastination. The class helped me so much. I knew how to
learn. I just needed to learn how to manage my time and use that time to study
effectively. I get too wrapped up in
details. For example, my whole binder decorating problem. Does anybody want to
start a support group for that?
Recently, I decided that perhaps I need a brush-up on my “study
skills.” After all, the concepts I learned weren’t merely meant to be contained
in the classroom. Like all of you, I have a busy life. Sometimes I am
overcommitted, overworked and overstimulated. Some of those bad procrastination
habits have come home to roost. Most importantly, I am not modeling good habits
for my son.
Have any of you ever seen this look on your child’s face?
Dazed and Confused. That’s
all I’m saying.
Josiah is impulsive, creative and all over the place. However, he
thrives in structure and likes to know what to expect. I have been on the
lookout for ways to actually help him learn to effective study skills. This product came in the nick of time.
What I Received

How It Works and How We Used It
The Victus Study Skills System is
a 10 lesson program. It is encouraged that the teacher practices individualization
when deciding the length of the course, but it is intended to be used an hour a
day for a week or in 30 minute lessons over a period of 2 weeks. We took a
little longer, because that’s the way we roll.
Philosophy of the Victus Study Skills System is based on 4 concepts. I’m taking
this straight from the Teacher’s Edition.
1. Zeal without knowledge is
not good, but zeal with knowledge bears fruit.
2. Results come from the
3. Any system with all of its
components must have an aim, or purpose.
4. A unique and effective
system of study has the greatest likelihood of aiding in success.
absolutely love #2. I think our modern society and culture thrives on instant
success or gratification. Many folks today don’t want to have to experience the
process. They just want the results.
the 10 lessons in the program are centered on 3 questions.
am I now?
(Lessons 1 & 2) – Students reflect on their study habits. They find out
their learning strengths and discover how to utilize those strengths in their
Josiah had a good time taking the Learning Styles test. He's an only child and always ready to talk about himself. This is the Teacher's Edition copy. I jotted down Josiah's answers for my own benefit.
Josiah had a good time taking the Learning Styles test. He's an only child and always ready to talk about himself. This is the Teacher's Edition copy. I jotted down Josiah's answers for my own benefit.
do I want to be? (Lesson
3) – Students learn how to set goals.
How do
I get there? (Lessons
4-10) – Students are taught the skills they need for effective learning. How to
listen, take notes, plan a day, how to study for a test and more.
The Teacher’s
Edition contains all the material needed for each lesson as well as the
philosophy of the program. It also has a great section of effective teaching
really enjoyed working through this program. It was a bit more frustrating for
me and not in the way you might think. The program itself is very well done. It
is basic and practical. However, I am not sure if Josiah is mature enough to do
the kind of self-reflecting required. When one of his goals is to beat all the
missions on Lego Stars 392 times… I understand that he is simply being a boy.
I can
say that this is something that I will enjoy using as he grows. It also gave me
some much needed insight into all the “rabbit trails” I’ve been taking
concerning his schooling. I need prioritize my time more efficiently.
We did
have some success with Lesson 7 on Listening. I recognize that I am tuned out
frequently. I love that we are encouraged to point out that “God gave us two
ears and one mouth so we will listen twice as much as we talk.” We must be
quick to hear and slow to speak.
I also
learned something else concerning myself. I learn easily. I don’t have any
difficult paying attention (unlike certain boys, A-hum, that live here) and it
is to move quickly through information and not take into account that I am
teaching Josiah to learn as well as the 3r’s. One tip in the Listening lesson was brilliant.
He had to put a check mark on his paper
every time he found his mind wandering…you can imagine what that looked like.
handy tool I really appreciated was on Organization. There is a whole page
dedicated to Binders and folders. There are tips on how to organize each kind.
I love that! I am going to implement some of those things.
Lesson on Test Taking (Lesson 9) was terrific. The method is PDCA.
Plan –
The student listens to the instructions. They then look over the material so
they understand what to expect and how to manage their time.
Do -
The student is taught on how to take the test. For example, he does the easy
questions first, etc.
Check – The student should always,
always check his work.
– If needed, the student must make any changes or corrections before turning in
the test.
Having a plan to follow keeps the anxiety out of test taking.
My Thoughts
I think this is a very effective program. I do believe that it is something
that Josiah cannot master in just two weeks. My frustration occurred because I expected
him to immediately become a first rate studier overnight. This will be one we
will revisit time and time again. I’m glad we have it in our arsenal. I need to
remember that the whole premise behind the system is that the student (Josiah)
is learning for life. Not just cramming for a test. The Victus Study SkillsSystem is not simply for homeschooling families. Any student could benefit from
the program.
can read more reviews of The Victus Study Skills System by clicking on the
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You can find Victus on Facebook and Twitter! You can also read more reviews by clicking on the banner below.

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