I love using
Literature as the backbone of our homeschooling. All those hours reading
instead of doing math homework and cleaning my room as a child finally paid
off! I am, at least, well read. At least this is what I try and tell myself (and my mama).
It has been harder
to get Josiah as enthused about reading. He is dyslexic and tends to avoid
reading on his own like the plague. However, he loves to be read to. More on that
in a minute.
Raise your hand if
you have ever read The Door in the Wall. I see that hand! Recently, we were
excited to review The Door in
the Wall Study Guide from Progeny
What I Received
Progeny Press offers literature
guides for some of our most favorite reads. These study guides come in a
downloadable/printable form or CD. We received a the interactive PDF which
costs $16.99. An Interactive PDF allows the student to input all the
information into the computer itself.
The study guides
help the student use critical thinking skills while reading the literature.
They not only provide comprehension questions, writing prompts and activity
ideas, but they bring explore Biblical themes as well.
If your child is
lower elementary, upper elementary, middle school or high school there is a
guide for a variety of literature. The Door in
the Wall Study Guide is recommended for upper elementary students grades
How We Used It
Door in the Wall by Marguerite de Angeli is about a
young boy named Robin. It is set in the Middle Ages. Robin is about to begin
his training as a knight, but comes down with an illness and loses his ability
to walk. The book is a beautiful story and has such a wonderful message. Some might
find the language archaic (it is set in the Middle Ages, after all), but I
wouldn’t let that deter you from directing your boys (and girls) in its
The Door in
the Wall Study Guide is designed to be used with the book. It begins by
giving a brief summary of the book, information about the author and some
background information concerning the history of the time. I do like how Progeny Press includes prereading
When The Door in the Wall begins,
The Black Death has taken hold of London. While Robin’s difficulties aren’t
caused by The Plague, many of his trusty servants succumb to it, leaving him
alone. In our day and time, we are unaccustomed to such horrors. The prereading
activities gave Josiah and opportunity to research more about the time period and
The Black Death. We also had to research a little about Monks as they generally
aren’t to be found in our part of the world.
Students are instructed to read the
book first before digging into the study guide. I did most of the reading. As I
mentioned, Josiah is dyslexic and I leave most of his reading for reading
instruction. This is changing as time goes on. He did have to read the
questions in the study guide. They are easy to understand, well-spaced out and
other than a few “rogue” words he couldn’t quite grasp he did fine.
True Confession. Instead of having Josiah use the interactive feature on the
computer, I had it printed off at Staples. Now he is capable of using this
feature and in fact, might have been a wiser for us to use in the long run.
But at the time, I was more focused
on getting through the book and the guide. Because it required my involvement as
well, I thought it would just be easier to put everything in a notebook.
One of Josiah’s favorite parts of the guide were the
Vocabulary Sections. He enjoys words and there were quite a few words used in
The Door in the Wall that were unfamiliar. I appreciated that many of the
vocabulary activities encouraged more than just guess and point.
For example, In some of the sections Josiah had to think about what a word might
mean before he looked it up. He did use an online dictionary for his vocabulary
words. Our Children’s Dictionary just didn’t cut it.
Josiah is older than the intended age group. He is completing 6th
grade. However, I felt that I didn’t want to frustrate him. I am trying to help
him transition to working on his own. There was some benefit to this strategy.
He was able to think a bit more critically and felt fairly accomplished. I
certainly participated in his completion of the study guide, but he was able to
manage just fine.
I mentioned that Progeny Press recommends that the student
reads the book before starting the guide. I didn’t have an issue doing so. I
wanted Josiah to enjoy the book for the book’s sake instead of digging through
it just for the answers.
I also liked how the guide encouraged the student to think
critically about the story. Josiah was asked to put himself into Robin’s
place. While multiple choice facts and
figure questions have their place, I feel it is more important to truly “live”
the story. I want Josiah to be able to enjoy his literature, not merely spout
off details. Progeny Press always does a good job with this. The Scripture
activities included are especially wonderful.
I encourage you to try a Progeny Press Study Guide for
yourself! In fact, it would be a great summer project for homeschooler and
Public School student alike! I've got my eye on the study guide for The Giver (which an absolute fabulous book!)
You can find Progeny Press on social media. Click on the Banner below to read
more reviews about this product and other Progeny Press study guides.

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