My husband and I were youth pastors for quite a number of years before taking
the leap into Pastoring. When you think about all the influences a young person
will have in his or her lifetime it’s not a wonder that kids are often
searching for their moral center.
It’s hard to find it in some of the places and situations they find
themselves in. Our youth pastor years were some of the most challenging and
rewarding years. We had kiddos who broke our hearts. Those who rose above
difficult circumstances and who are now leading productive lives with God’s
help. Regardless, each and every one of those kid have a permanent place in our
The truth is that we all have a free will. You and I as parents,
teachers and mentors can only attempt to equip them with tools to help them
make good choices.
We Choose Virtues is a
company that provides materials that help build positive character traits in
children. One of their products is The Youth
Virtue Journal. It was originally designed for use in the Idaho Court
System, but now it is available to the public at large. Josiah and I recently
got to review the Youth
Virtue Journal along with a variety of downloadable tools.
What I Received
I received the 100 page Youth
Virtue Journal in addition to the following downloadable tools:
Mentor Handbook (PDF download)
Mentor Meeting Report Form (PDF
Youth Character Assessments (PDF
Youth List of Memory Verses and
Bible Heroes (PDF Download)
This fun and full colored Journal is intended for young people ages
The cost is $17. I am including the information I received in an email
from the author, Heather McMillian, about coupon codes for the summer months.
*Promo Code BIG50 for 50% off our amazing set of 12 11x17 Kids of VirtueVille
Posters! This is the first time we have ever offered these posters at this
price. They are great for school classrooms, Kids Church, or your homeschool
room. Kids love them for their bedrooms, bathrooms and kids’ hallways.
*Promo Code BTS20 for 20% off anything in our WCV Store. This includes any kit.
Let’s start School with Virtues this year!
*Only one
promo code per order
How It Works and How We Used It
Upon reading up on Heather, I found
that she and I had a lot in common. She and her husband are family pastors. She
herself has been a preschool teacher and a Children’s pastor. And just recently
experienced a miraculous healing.
As my regular readers might know, I
have also been a preschool teacher (before I taught Kindergarten), my husband
and I were Children’s Pastors (before Youth and Senior Pastoring) and I,
myself, have faced a life threatening event (or three).
The life threatening event notwithstanding,
I can understand her desire to create materials that teach character. There is
such a lack of it in our culture.
The Youth Virtue Journal includes
nine positive traits.
I am Attentive
I am Content
I am Forgiving
I am Gentle
I am Helpful
I am Honest
I am Obedient
I am Perseverant
I am Respectful
What is unique about this product is
it is something that the child works through it with a mentor (or parent). I
absolutely love that aspect of it. You can’t pour into someone’s life if you
leave them to their devices.
The Mentor Handbook helps provide reinforcement
and walks the parent through the process. I realize that not everyone will have
years of experience interacting with
young people on this level. Even if you are a parent you might not know how to
come across without being preachy or naggy.
Now as a parent, The Mentor Handbook
wasn’t as helpful to me. Much of the information is specifically for mentors
(not parents). A tool I didn’t use as
all was the Mentor Meeting Report Form, but I can see how if you are doing this
regularly with a group of kids this form would be helpful.
The Character Assessment download is
to help in evaluating. There is a suggestion to fill it out before starting the
program and then revisit it after you have completed the journal.
I did use the Bible Verses download
with every meeting. These aren’t used in the Journal itself because of its use
in the court system.
Here are how “meetings” happened at
our house.
Before starting, Josiah and I read
the suggested Bible verses together as well as the Bible story text. During the
course of the lesson, I found it easy to refer to what we had read in the Bible
and to apply it to a point or particular question.
At the beginning of each session,
the student is encouraged to go the Dream Journal section of the book (which is
in the back) and write down any goals or dreams they might have. They are to
reflect upon any obstacles they might face and the character virtues that might
help them overcome their obstacles.
This was a bit more difficult for
Josiah. He is 121/2 and really hasn’t contemplated life and what he might want
from it yet. He does know that he might want to be a meteorologist, but beyond
beating a mission in his favorite Star Wars game….His life isn’t as complicated
right now.
This, however, gave us a perfect
opportunity to talk about dreams and goals. He finally decided that maybe, for
now, he would like to be a really good guitar player. We also talked about the
fact that he needs to have some goals for Swim Team. You can see that some of the obstacles he decides he is facing. I was surprised to see him admit that "playing too much Xbox" is a problem. I also was happy he used the appropriate form of "too." It's the little things.
I will have to say that when we
first started working through the Dream Journal section I was skeptical. See, I
know my son. He is still fairly immature. I also was worried about having to do
it every time we got out our Youth Virtues Journal. It turned out that the
consistency (every session) was good for Josiah. He is the kind of kid who
needs to meld things over in his mind. He likes to think on things.
After completing the Dream Journal
section the student will go back to the chapter. The Journal does a good job
with explaining what each specific Virtue entails and what it might look like,
as well as what it doesn’t look like.
The student is encouraged to look at
those around them. Do others they know exemplify that virtue? How is it lived
out in their lives?
There are quotes included in every
session. These come from a variety of sources.
A commitment to work on that virtue
is also included in the session along with an opportunity for response.
My Thoughts
I was pleasantly surprised. Not in
the product. I can see just by thumbing through it how the product could be a
wonderful tool for so many mentors and parents. I was surprised about how
thoughtfully Josiah worked through the Journal.
He is 12 going on 13 and has
suddenly gotten smarter than me. You know how that is. I don’t know how I have
made it this far. He just “knows.” You realize I’m being snarky.
I also recognized through the course
of this study that the best teacher is example. We can talk about all of these
wonderful character qualities, but if he doesn’t see it modeled in front of him…
Ouch! Does this mean I have to be
forgiving? Obedient? Gentle?
Being able to go through the Journal
with Josiah was a good experience for me as well. We shared stories, talked
about real life struggles and made goals together. I have decided that this is
something we are going to do again.
Now my next thought might be
controversial. I have a hard time separating the teaching of Virtue and the
Scripture. After all, the Sermon on the Mount is pretty much the ultimate in
character training. However, I believe that Heather has planted a seed. I
believe that the teachings of Jesus to empty unless we have a personal
relationship with Jesus himself, but who is to say what kind of impact this
will make beyond this life.
In any event, I believe it is a
wonderful tool for those of you who work with youth to have in your arsenal. If
you use this product as a parent, you will have to make a few tweaks to make it
applicable to your situation. I think it is worth the investment.
You can connect with We Choose Virtues through the following social media outlets. Click on the banner below for more reviews.
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