Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A TOS Review: The Brinkman Adventures: Season 3

I’ve talked about my love for audio products before. We have a number that have made our “Favorite Hits” list and I think I have another to add to it. We just had the chance to review The Brinkman Adventures: Season 3 (from Brinkman Adventures).

I have a slight obsession with missionary stories, myself, as I was born on the mission field. This series (which consists of 4 CDs) has 5 hours of missionary adventures.  The stories themselves are based on the lives of real missionaries.  Each one is exciting and inspiring as the next.  Some stories have been changed just a bit to protect those involved or to help the story move along, but the integrity of the message is still there.

There were many that we loved, but I have to say the very first story made for some exhilarating listening. It is called "God’s Mule." A young man, who is attending Harvard Business School, makes the choice to follow God’s calling. Eventually, Tomas feels that God has called him to take Bibles into a country that has forbidden such practices. What happens is miraculous at every turn.

Another story that I have to mention is "Translating Trouble." This story really convicted me. In the story, a native man, Umar in the story, has a Bible that he cannot read. He still clings to it faithfully. His greatest desire is to have a Bible translated into his own language. How many Bibles do have laying around our house not being read because we haven’t made the Word of God a priority in our lives?

There were also other parts of the story in which I could identify. My husband and I are in the ministry. Sometimes God sends you an assignment that stretches every part of your life…including your marriage.

Of course, the story of the Saints...I can’t even…Just blessed my socks off!  This is a story Josiah is very familiar with…You just need to get these CDs!

I must tell you that as much as I was blessed by this season of the Brinkman Adventures, I was even more touched by the impact it had on my son. He even suggested that we share an “adventure” or two with our Youth Bible Study Group at church.

That makes this momma happy.

Another fun part about Brinkman Adventures is that they offer the Real Stories behind the missionary adventures on the website.

If you are familiar with the Nate Saint story you know that his son, Steve Saint, has spent his life with those who killed his father. His children (one is pictured below) calls one of the men who was responsible for the death of the missionaries, Grandpa. Mincaye could have his own reality show as far as I'm concerned. 

If you are able, get these CDs for your family. They are wonderful for all ages...I enjoy them as much as Josiah. I will tell you that we have The Brinkman Adventures: Season 2, as well. You don't have to start at the beginning with Season 1. Just jump in right now with Season 3! 

You can connect with Brinkman Adventures via the following social media outlets. Don't forget to click on the banner to read more reviews!

Brinkman Adventures Season 3 Review

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