2x2 is 4. 4x4 is 8.
8x8 is 16.
Anybody else remember
chanting their times tables? For most of us, this was how we learned
multiplication…by rote memory. However, I found out (as a homeschool momma and
teacher) that rote memory doesn’t work for everybody. Especially Josiah. He
does better with hands on experiences and games.
For my very first
review post of 2017, I was really excited to get the Times Alive
program from Times Tables the
Fun Way. Times Alive provides online
lessons with animated songs and stories to learn times tables the fun way!
Here is a few things
you might need to know before we get into the nuts and bolts of the program.
1. Times Alive requires an internet connection. If
you are reading this review you probably have an internet connection. You are
already half way there!
2. Because it an online subscription you can use more
than one computer at a time. For example, Kid A can use the computer in the
bedroom, while Kid B can use the computer in the Living Room. At the same time.
3. But fair warning. If you want to keep track of any
records Kid A needs to keep on using the computer in the bedroom. And the same
for Kid B.
5. You will need speakers. Times Alive is all about the creative stories that will teach Kid A and Kid B their multiplication tables.
Let’s see what an
example lesson looks like.
First off, I was given a username and password that allowed me access to the magic site.
Josiah has a user name of his own that allows him access. He can move anywhere over this magic page. I will say that if your student is learning their times tables for the first time they need to proceed in the order of the lessons given. Each lesson will quiz on previous lessons. For the purpose of this review, I am going to show you bits and pieces of a lesson on the 2 family.
Here is the story portion of the lesson. The student is given a fun way to remember. They also read along. Math AND Reading! At the same time!
Take a look at the pic below. Now the student is given the opportunity to practice what they have learned. One of the benefits of this program is that the student can do this lesson or activity over and over again. Notice that "Do Again" button at the button. The "Do Again" button was employed quite a bit at our house.
Here are the results. The individual taking the quiz might have been distracted while taking said quiz. Or possibly forgotten
And just for fun! Who doesn't like an online coloring page?
There are couple other things that might be of interest to you. You can print out the student's progress report for your records. There is a handy key on the lesson that keeps you up to date on what lessons have been completed, viewed, which one has a movie, song or coloring sheet.
Here is screen shot of another fun activity that helps the student retain the information.
On a personal note, my son is one of the bright funny kids who has trouble retaining math facts long term. He does so much better when he can have "helps."
This is one of those "helps" that is making a difference. It is an affordable option for the frugal homeschooler.
It is also super simple bimply to use. Which is just my speed.
Go check it out! You can read more reviews by clicking the banner below. You can connect with Times Tables the Fun Way via the following social media outlets.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LearnMultiplication/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F35_ZRpRzJI
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F35_ZRpRzJI

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