Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Algebra for Breakfast (Homeschool Review Crew)

Math was never my favorite subject in school. Back in the dark ages, I headed into High School with nominal exposure to algebra. You can imagine that I didn’t have very much success when I jumped right into Algebra I. It took me until college to realize that I did have some sort of aptitude for the subject and all was not lost. I really feel strongly about preparing kids to succeed. When I had the chance to review Algebra for Breakfast for math enrichment I jumped on it!
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Algebra for Breakfast was created by teacher, Bob Hazen. It is an online math enrichment program that introduces algebraic concepts to grades 3-6.

Algebra for Breakfast uses the following components.

Online Videos – These are short videos of Mr. Bob teaching the lesson.

Physical Tools – Algebra for Breakfast uses manipulative blocks, math dice and a skip counting CD.

Printable Worksheets – some of these are simply extra practice, while others might be games to print and play.

It teaches things like...

• Countability
• Single Variable Expressions
• Known vs Unknown Values
• The Meaning of Variables

Plus, much, much more!

I had access to 3rd/4th Grade level for this review, but there is a 5th/6th grade level, as well.

For my review, I received six months of online access and the Skip Count songs. The blocks and math dice are available for purchase and there are a few options available for the subscription.  

Currently there are over 40 lessons available, with a possibility of more for the whole course. This is a program that one wants to use incrementally. As we know, math concepts build upon themselves.

Josiah struggles with math. He has something called dyscalculia. I wanted to see if something like Algebra for Breakfast could be something that would be of help to him. For one, I mentioned above that math manipulatives are used. Josiah does so much better when he can have a hands on experience with whatever he is learning.

The video lessons are not very long. I felt that they were a perfect length to keep my “wandering-mind” boy on task. Mr. Bob does a great job in explaining the some of the more trickier aspects of algebra. In fact, I could have used Mr. Bob back in my pre-algebra days!

I also felt that the program was easy to navigate. The lessons are divided up into sections. Once you log in you can click the appropriate button and it will take you to a video (maybe more) in addition to a printable worksheet. I was especially pleased to see that they don’t require a lot of writing. There is also a Parent’s Corner which provide the answer key for the worksheets.

Another BIG plus is that it can be used as a supplemental with any math curriculum. Obviously it is intended to mostly used by elementary aged kiddos, but it fits nicely within any curriculum and won’t cause any confusion. I would just be sure that the level you use is the level of math your child is currently going through.

This will be a program we will continue to use. I can already see a light bulb come on in Josiah head. In fact, the skip counting songs are worth their weight in GOLD where he is concerned.

Check it out! You can connect with Algebra for Breakfast via the following social media outlets. Don't forget to click on the banner below for more reviews. Some members of the Crew reviewed the 5th/6th grade option.


Bob Hazen's Algebra Lessons {Algebra for Breakfast Reviews}
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