We are certainly a movie-watching, movie-loving family. Recently, we had the chance to spend a nice
evening hunkered down together (complete with popcorn) with the movie Princess Cut from Watchman Pictures.

About the movie
Princess Cut is set in a small farm town in the Carolinas.
Our protagonist, Grace Anderson, is a beauty with big dreams. She comes from a
tight-knight farm family and working towards a degree in interior design. When
the movie begins, we see Grace preparing for a big date with her boyfriend,
Stewart. Grace is certain that after 15-months of dating Stewart he is about to
I don’t want to give anything away, but it could just be the
most humiliating night of Grace’s life.
She soon starts seeing a young man named Jared and starts, once again, to navigate the choppy and uncertain waters of dating. We are also introduced to the steady neighbor, who also happens to be a doctor.
She soon starts seeing a young man named Jared and starts, once again, to navigate the choppy and uncertain waters of dating. We are also introduced to the steady neighbor, who also happens to be a doctor.
How does a young Christian woman find true love? Will Grace
find the one God has for her?
My Thoughts
You first need to know that our family unit consists of
myself, My Studly Muffin (of a husband), our 16-year-old son, Josiah and
Princess, the Siamese Cat.
I need to tell you that Princess the Cat was ambivalent about
the subject matter and, for that matter, the movie. She was more concerned with
dozing on a lap.
The Studly Muffin is the true romantic. He would rather watch
a romantic comedy than about anything….except for a good ballgame. The Boy has no experience with dating and I
am more than anxious for him to have some good influences and role models in
his life.
Princess Cut was a sweet movie. It is certainly not
star-studded feature…though little brother, Drew stole the show. There was a
hilarious story line of Drew putting an ad in the paper, advertising his
sister. Now that was funny.
In truth, Grace kind of irritated me in the beginning. This
could be because I was atypical teenage girl. Thankfully, I was self-possessed
enough to have certain ideas about relationships. However, I can see “Grace” in
the majority of young women around me.
I always felt that I could never and should never depend on a
man or another human being to fill that God-shaped hole in my life. A husband
or boyfriend CANNOT meet the needs in your life.
I think Grace finally got there, but it took following some
wisdom her parents laid down for her.
I think many will find the movie old-fashioned and
conservative. I honestly don’t have an issue with this. I do believe it is
necessary to have many conversations with the young men and women in your life
on the matters of marriage, life and love.
The rest of the family enjoyed the movie as a whole. It is also something I would consider showing
to a group of young people at church.

You can connect with Watchman Pictures via the following
social media outlets. Don’t forget to click on the banner to read more reviews
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrincessCutFilm Tag: @PrincessCutFilm Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/princesscutfilm/pins/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/paulmungernc Tag: @paulmungernc Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Princesscutmovie YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/PrincessCutMovie/videos

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