The Kingdom Files Series, written by Matt Koceich, currently has six books ready for consumption. The books are intended for ages 8-12. The other titles include...
- Who Was David?
- Who Was Daniel?
- Who Wad Esther?
- Who was Jesus?
The books are an easy size to manage (just under 100 pages long) and contain plenty of illustrations and maps. The most interesting aspect of the books (besides the subject matters) is how Mr. Koceich has created a series that is so much more than storytelling.
Each book is divided into three portions.
The Fact File gives the character's name, provides biographical information; such as where he or she is from. This section all talks about what the character did in the Kingdom of God. It's that section you probably wish somebody would include in the back of every Bible behind the concordance.
The Action File is the character's story itself. I appreciated the ease of the narration and that Mr. Koceich didn't add any conversations or events that he imagined could have taken place. It's all straight from the source but written in a way that kids can read. This part also contains "clues." These clues provide a bit more information about the story and character.
The Power-Up File is the action part of the book. How do we apply what we just read? For example, Each Power-Up has a memory verse to learn. This portion of the books is essentially a small devotion.
Sadly, my teenage son has leaped ahead of the suggested age range for the Kingdom Files. Though I can tell you secretly that he really enjoyed them.
While both books were hits, I think Who is Jonah? was the favorite. We saw a live production of Jonah a few years ago a Christian theatre. It was fantastic. I am always sad for Jonah. In Sunday School you are taught about the days he spent in the belly of a whale. You learn that he learns his lesson and finally obeys God.
What you don't understand is that Jonah's heart wasn't really changed through his experience in the belly of that whale. He practiced obedience, yes, but God still had to show Jonah that there was so much more at stake...even in Jonah's own heart.
Who is Jonah? does a fantastic job at speaking to more than just those obvious takeaways we've heard all of our lives. One of my favorite Power-Up File's is Power-Up #8: God is Grace. The big
story of stories is His grace. This comes from the Power-Up.
"The enemy is doing everything in his power to make us feel like we're one mistake away from God shaking His head and walking away from us. But this isn't truth. God is grace. Forever. ........Live your life full of thankfulness for everything God has done and is doing, because He is grace."
Now that will preach, my friends.
Beyond the edification and encouragement found in the Power-Up File, I found the rest of the book to be just as neat. Of course, it had me at the timeline found and found in the Fact File and I immediately start perking up when anybody mentions "From: Gath-Hepher"....I love all of the history stuff.
These are just really cool books! They are kind of detective/devotion/Bible study books. Who could ask for more?
This one is a keeper!
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