Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Random Thoughts: The New Year/Life Updates Version


It's been a few days since I've posted anything on the ole blog here. A couple of reasons. I'm sure I'll get into them in what is sure to be a widely entertaining and often rambling post.

I'm sure you can't wait. Instead of boring you with my life's novel, I have decided to do all updating in an orderly fashion.

I love a good list.

1. The Big Black Dog

I have sad news. Solomon (the Big Black Dog aka the Rottweiler) died just after Thanksgiving. We knew he probably wasn't going to make it through the winter. He had lived an awfully long time for a Rottweiler.  His deep black coat had turned red and gray and he was painfully thin. He was still faithful to try and crawl into the car and sit on my lap when we first arrived for our Thanksgiving holiday. That was 169 pounds of Big Black Dog, by the way. I always had special feelings for Solomon. We were living with my parents when they brought him home as a puppy. It was a particularly painful and tough season in our lives. I was in active heart failure. We had resigned from our church and were basically homeless. Solomon would crawl into my lap and put his great puppy head on my shoulder. He was a welcomed playmate to a busy little Josiah. As he grew into that great massive dog, my little nieces would ride him around like a pony.  He was really the best dog. We're going to miss him.

2. 17! 

This baby turned 17! I can't even stand it. My mom took his usual birthday pictures. He spent most of his time trying to be cool about flinging his hair out of his eyes. That is a lot of hair to manage. I've mentioned his fascination with 80's rockers. He has dreams of glorious hair.

Me too, buddy.

The car belongs to my nephew. It used to belong to my brother and before that, it belonged to our great uncle. At least, I think that is the chain of ownership. At present, the car doesn't have an engine. But it is really great to lean up against when one is trying to look cool.

3. Surgery

When last we spoke, I had just had my surgery. I have really done well, but it has taken me a bit longer to recover than the average Joe (or Josephine).  This is one of the reasons I have tried to lay lower than usual. Let's be honest. 2018 wasn't a banner year for me as far as my health goes. I seemed to have hung on by the hairs of my chinny chin chin. By the time I had the surgery, I had about 3 functioning brain cells and even those were dodgy.  I wasn't even able to read a book....which left lots of time for Netflix binging watching. Which, I'm pleased to tell you, I am really good at.

Overall, the winter months are really tough on me. I am hoping that I can prevent some of the nastier effects by focusing on good habits.

4. 'Tis the Season

I always approach the end of the holiday season in two different minds. I am always a little sad it's all over. On the other hand, I am THRILLED it's all over. Thankfully, we had a great holiday season. Unfortunately, I have no photographic evidence.  You'll just have to take my word for it. We got to spend time with family. And I was able to rest when I needed to rest. And I got some really great stuff. One of my favorite things was a porch swing! I have been talking about wanting one for quite some time now. The Muffin and some of our sweet friends from church went in on one. It's red and hangs from the rafters of our porch.

I'm in love.

I do have one final confession about Christmas. I still have a small pile of Christmas cards that need to be mailed on my coffee table. And, yes,  you bet your bippee I'm going to mail them.

5. New Year's

I am always a big maker of resolutions. This year is no exception. I always think it's a good time to reflect on the direction of one's life and how one could live more beautifully and fully. For one, I need to focus on developing my routines and rituals. I have a tendency to fly by the seat of my stretchy pants. I have come to realize, however, that flying by the seat of my stretchy pants isn't necessarily the best plan for me or my "issues."

Plus, I want to do so much...I need a few routines in my life to accomplish what I want to accomplish. Our yearly Downton Abby "binge-a-thon" is quickly approaching. I need to be on my game!  One of our traditions for the past several years has been to binge-watch Downton Abby during the winter months.

It's the little things, my friends. 

I think I've said all I want to say for now. I've got a list of things I want to do today and time seems to be passing. I've got all of our sheets in the washer and a pot of coffee brewing on the counter.

Have a GREAT New Year!

1 comment:

  1. A Happy and Blessed New Year to y'all! I wish you a year of good health,fond memories,and God's favor on you,Troy and Josiah.


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