I am the bookworm in our house. One of my favorite items to
review are books.
And I’m really not particular. I enjoy the books that come
in for Josiah to read just as much. I love introducing him both to books I have
loved since childhood or exploring a new book together.
Recently, Josiah and I both had a chance to review Diary
of a Real Payne Book 1: True Story by Barbour
What I Received
I received Diary
of a Real Payne Book 1: True Story by Annie Tipton. This is the first book
in her new series. It is intended for
ages 8-12, though I am 41 (shh! Don’t tell anybody!) and enjoyed it immensely. The
book is 192 pages long and can be purchased at Barbour Publishing for $4.49
(which is currently its sale price...the original price is 5.99).
I was unfamiliar with Barbour
Publishing. It is a Christian publishing company located in Ohio. They
publish approximately 150 books a year. If Diary of a Real Payne is a sample of
the products they publish, I am duly impressed.
The Low Down (or Down
So Emma Jean Payne (she likes to be called EJ) is 10. Her
mom is a 2nd grade teacher and her dad is a pastor. Hmm. Already I’m
liking this set up. She has a 5-year-old brother, Issac, who is obsessed with
dinosaurs and one knock-knock joke in particular. I would share it with you,
but you will have to read about it for yourself. I will say that Josiah (who
appreciates the knock-knock joke formula) was amused. He’s tried it out a few
The story is revealed in both diary and narration form. I,
myself, loved my diary. In fact, we could almost call this little blog my grown
up diary.
EJ is also very imaginative. Throughout the book we get to
experience with her many of her wild day dreams.
I can’t tell you how much I loved this. I was also accused
as a child as living with my “head in the clouds.” I still have a bit (ahem) of
an issue with daydreaming. Though it hasn’t caused me nearly as much grief as
it has caused poor EJ. Not lately anyway.
EJ lives in a small town in Wisconsin. Nothing ever happens
in Wisconsin. She dreams of moving away and doing terrifically exciting things.
Her parents encourage her to live in the present and pay attention to what is
around her.
The book is not without its protagonists. The grumpy Mr.
Johnson and schoolmate CoraLee both allow EJ to experience some typical
childhood angsts. She has to learn some hard lessons, but don’t we all? I loved
how the author wrapped it all up.
One of my favorite (ongoing) parts is EJ’s love for Anne of
Green Gables! Who doesn’t love Anne of Green Gables? When EJ dressed up as Anne
for her church’s Fall Festival she won the costume for “Best Fast-Food Restaurant
Costume.” They thought she was “Wendy” from the Wendy’s Hamburger chain!
Absolutely shameful. Though come to think of it I’m not so
sure Josiah would immediately consider Anne of Green Gables if he saw EJ’s
costume. He’s too much of a fast food connoisseur.
One of Josiahs’ favorite parts also occurred during the Fall
Festival. EJ spies some sneaky activity take place and has to solve the
EJ has plenty of real-life drama in this book typical of any
10-year-old. A taunting classmate, difficulties in school, disappointments…I
know those all happened to me. EJ shows us all (through the encouragement of
her parents) a compassionate spirit and determination to love those around her. I love that EJ is learning to be an example of Christ's love. The author does not shy away from that message.
My Thoughts
You can tell that this is one book we really enjoyed. I also
loved that the book is one Josiah can read on his own. He is dyslexic and I
have trouble finding books that he can easily navigate on his own.
generally can’t have too much text on the page. He has a terrific vocabulary
and his reading is just about a grade level, but when there is a lot all over
the page he gets overwhelmed. We did take turns reading to each other. The book
does go from the diary entries, to the story, to EJ’s imaginative day dreams. Because
EJ’s day dreams are in italic print he knew that he was reading something that
was going on her head. That was a very handy tool!
of a Real Payne Book 1: True Story takes place at the beginning of the
school year and ends at Christmas. I really think this would be a great gift
for some kiddos out there to enjoy during the Christmas season. Not only does
Annie present the story in a fun way (lots of giggles!), but it really is a
wonderful story of compassion and God’s love.
On a side note, I love Annie Tipton’s style of writing. I
think she and I would get on fabulously. There was one particular scene in
which Queen Esther (as EJ) is contemplating a hang nail that had me howling. And
I’ve decided I want to be Mrs. Winkle when I grow up.
Book 2 is coming out in March 2012. It is called Church Camp
Chaos. That sounds like fun! I could tell a few church camp stories myself!
You can read more reviews
of Diary of a Real Payne at the Crew Blog!

Rebekah, thanks for your fun review! I love that both you and Josiah enjoyed reading EJ's adventures. And, for the record, it sounds like you will make a fantastic Mrs. Winkle someday! :) Thanks for blessing me.