Spelling. I recognize that the mere mention of the subject might
encourage severe stomach spasms and cold sweats in some. I, myself, develop an
annoying twitch in my eye when anyone whispers “quadratic equation” in my ear.
Sadly, unlike “quadratic equations” spelling is a much used
and important skill for our young people to have. Unfortunately, it also
appears to be one that has been much neglected in our high tech age.
In our home, spelling practice isn’t the most pleasant of
experiences. Josiah is dyslexic and has a tendency to spell phonetically. This
causes all manner of problems (as you can guess). The traditional method of
remember and drill doesn’t generally doesn’t work with Josiah. He is the kind
of kid that thrives when every part of his senses are involved. He also loves
games and challenges.
When a chance to review the Premium Membership package
at VocabularSpellingCity.com came
our way I jumped at the chance.
What I Received
is an online interactive vocabulary, spelling, writing, and language arts tool
for kiddos from K through High School. The beauty of this site is that it can
be used in any setting. A homeschooler (such as myself) can use it for a
curriculum or supplement. A traditional classroom teacher can use it to help
his or her students review or a parent can provide extra spelling practice at
One of the great features of VocabularySpellingCity is that you can
import your own lists from the curriculum or studies you are currently using or
you can use one of the already prepared lists available.
The Premium
Membership costs $29.95 for a year to use at home. This membership includes
up to 5 students. It costs $49.95 for a class room that includes up to 25
students. There are plenty of activities available on the site that are
free, but the Premium Membership
allows you to do so much more.
You can check out a complete overview of what
comes with the Premium Membership
To use VocabularySpellingCity, you will obviously need a
working computer, good internet connection and a set of speakers or ear buds. These
games and activities talk to you!
How We Used It
One of the nice things about this site is that I didn’t have
to do too much preparing (or for that matter, thinking). I simply set Josiah up his own account. Each
week I would select a word list from the already prepared lists and assigned
what activities I wanted Josiah to complete for that week.
I will take you through how we managed it all.
The site has so many resources. The already prepared lists were so helpful to me. I decided to start by letting Josiah work through some of the Dolch Lists. They are generally intended for kids in lower grades, but I knew that Josiah would benefit from every bit of the review.
Each week I created an assignment for Josiah. I first selected a Word List from the lists I had imported.
I then could select the activities I wanted Josiah to complete for the week. I was only allowed to select 10.
One of the lists Josiah has used more recently was not from the Dolch lists. He went through those fairly quickly. The list I chose for this particular week was fall themed words. You can see the list below.
You can see all the activities that are available for this word list. The activities on the left are free, while the activities on the right are available with the Premium Membership. I always had Josiah take a pretest with his words so we could see where he was. The games and activities not only helped teach the words he was unfamiliar with, but also reinforced what he already knew.
This activity is one of the vocabulary activities.
This is a screenshot of one his spelling words. He simply clicked on the card to flip through them.
Josiah loved this game. Actually, I was kind of surprised. This is a word find game. He had to not only unscramble the letters to create his spelling words, but he had to make 3 new words out of the letters as well. Sometimes he has difficulty with this, but he loved playing this game. I think it was a fantastic way for him to gain more confidence.
There are sooo many other fun things to do...I can't even begin to tell you.
Of course,
VocabularySpellingCity keeps records. You can keep tabs on scores and
even how much time your child spends on the activities. I liked that it also
keeps track of the words missed.
We also used the “vocabulary” part of the site quite a bit. Josiah has a
tremendous vocabulary and as long as he is allowed time to read through the
questions carefully he manages quite well.
We had finished up a severe weather unit and I was even able
to utilize a “weather” list for the vocabulary. I loved being able to use the
site as reinforcement.
My Thoughts
I think overall this has been a positive experience for
Josiah. My favorite part of it is that I can just assign what I need to and let
Josiah take responsibility for his work. He is at that age now when developing
that sort of responsibility is important. I love being able to hand him a bit
of independence in this way.
As far as helping his spelling (which is what it is all
about) I think this sort of “drill” has been extremely beneficial to Josiah. The
interactive nature of the site does not only keep his interest, but it
reinforces what he is learning.
I almost forgot to mention that there are plenty of
worksheets and other activities to print as well. We didn’t take advantage of
this feature. Though I know that many of you like to have that extra “pencil to
paper” reinforcement.
Check out more reviews at The
Crew blog!

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