My mama is an artist. As a
result, I’ve been exposed to some pretty neat art techniques. She used to teach
classes when I was younger and I always seem to be one of the participants.
Whether I was a willing participant is another matter completely. My own artistic abilities are not as natural
or as finely honed.
In that respect, I have failed
Josiah as a teacher. I know. Homeschool mom guilt. We’ve all had it. Just
because Josiah isn’t painting cherubs on the ceiling in the kitchen I think
I’ve blown it. Thankfully, I have just enough sense to understand that I don’t
have to be the expert. I can utilize the giftings and talents of others to help
This is my first opportunity to
review an art instruction book from ARTistic
Pursuits. ARTistic Pursuits
has just released a few new books. We were fortunate to be able to review one
of those books called Sculpture Technique:
What I Received
I had heard of ARTistic Pursuits before, but had
never used one of their books. If you aren’t familiar with them yourself, I
will start by telling you that it is an art instruction program designed for
homeschools. The developers and teachers, Daniel and Brenda Ellis have oddles
(I am so sophisticated) of teaching experience and are homeschool parents
The Sculpture Technique:
Construct joins its cousin, Sculpture Technique:
Model as brand new titles in the ARTistic Pursuits series of art
instructions. Construct focuses on
all things “construction.” The chapters in the book are:
Creating Form in Papermaking
Creating Planes in Cardboard
Creating Motion with Papier-mache
Creating Volume with Wire
There is also a course
description, templates, evaluation answer sheets and a recommended classroom
schedule. If you chose to follow the classroom schedule the course will last 36
The book itself is a soft cover comb
bound book. It uses detailed project instructions with visuals (for us visual
folks) as well as teaches elements of art and technique. Construct costs $47.95 and is intended for ages 11-18.
How We Used It
I think my mama has every art
supply known to man. I knew right away that one of the Units we would jump into
was the paper-making unit. Simply because I had made paper before and I knew
Mom had all the supplies I would need. I did purchase a few things from our
local Arts and Crafts Store, but more on that in a minute.
Josiah also wanted to try his
hand at cardboard sculpture.
Josiah started by making paper. A
Boy and a Blender.
If you will please avert your eyes away from my sin of dirty dishes I would appreciate it. The Boy is having a good time.
Now just a word of wisdom. Handmade
paper takes a long time to dry. Don’t except to have instant gratification.
Thankfully, papermaking is fun stuff.
This is one of Josiah's more (hmmm) interesting sheets of paper.
But very pretty. No problem. It still worked just fine for Josiah's project.
The first project in Creating
Form in Papermaking is a Low-relief Handmade Paper Form. The example given in
the book of a wolf is gorgeous, but I felt probably a bit complicated for the
first time out. The folks at ARTistic Pursuits encourage creativity and making
a project one’s own.
This is what Josiah came up with.
Simple, but very Artsy…don’t you think?
The 2nd project in this
Unit is Methods of Forming Handmade Paper. This was all about flower making.
Remember how I told you that the
handmade paper takes forever to dry? For this project we used a few sheets of
premade handmade paper. The nature of handmade paper allows it to hold shape.
Josiah was instructed to use the
supplied templates to make some really pretty flowers.
So not only did Josiah get to play with the blender. He got to spray a water bottle....inside!
He formed the petals as instructed.
Just lovely!
I see some more flower making in my future.
The other projects in the
Papermaking Unit are more complicated. They also involve armatures. Very exciting.
However, I felt that we would save them for another day and for the purpose of
this review move on to Josiah’s choice of Unit 2: Creating planes in Cardboard.
I don’t know about how it is at
your house, but here Cardboard is a valuable commodity. Josiah has had many
great adventures with a simple cardboard box.
The first project Josiah tried
was to make 3D forms.
This next project was Josiah’s piece de resistance. The assignment was to use all you had learned
in making 3D shapes to Construct an Architectural Model. He decided he wanted
to recreate his grandparents’ farm.
I have to tell you that my finished
picture is not as complete. I think the greenhouse and part of the barn Josiah
created are now on a space craft heading for the Death Star. I don’t know what Darth
Vader is going to do with Papa’s greenhouse…We probably should all be a little
My Thoughts
These projects would have been
too complicated for Josiah to complete on his own. He is 12. He is also
dyslexic and dysgraphic and for some reason has always had issues with spatial
concepts. But I have to say that the projects in Construct have been good for helping him develop and work on those
very things. This being said, I think that the book has a great variety of challenging
and easy projects. I had fun learning
about these sculpting techniques right along with Josiah.
Another benefit of Construct is that many of the items for
the projects needed can be found around the house. For example, the cardboard
needed for Unit 2 can be found anywhere. The projects call for corrugated
cardboard which can be found in the guts of many larger cardboard boxes.
Strangely, the corrugated cardboard had disappeared into the night at our house
and I had to purchase a few sheets at the Arts and Crafts Store.
On the ARTistic Pursuits website there is information
about ordering supplies from Blick Art Supplies. This is helpful for those who
can’t go shopping in their mother’s Art Closet.
Josiah had a lot of fun. I felt
like he was learning not only about the elements of Sculpture, but he was
encouraged to be creative and inspired. Construct
didn’t leave anything out. We didn’t have to go search for further or more
complete instructions.
You can connect with ARTistic
Pursuits on Facebook at
Brenda Ellis also has a Pinterest board for more
sculpture ideas. There are some wonderful and inspiring projects to get your
creative juices going.
Check out more reviews by clicking the banner below.

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