Monday, March 9, 2015

Daylight Savings Ought to Be Kicked in the Teeth

Those of us who have spent our whole lives "Falling Back and Springing Forward" have somewhat a love/hate relationship with whole mess. 

It generally takes me a whole week to recover from whatever time change we are experiencing at the time. 

This morning I woke up and looked for the bus that hammer that had repeatedly hit me in my sleep. That medium coffee I sipped on all morning did nothing. 

I still looked like this. 

Of course, It didn't help that my weekend was a little stressful and busy. And stressful. 

Frankly, at this point in my life I don't need any sort of excitement. What I need is a daily nap and something good to read. 

Is that too much to ask for? 

Monday's are generally buggery for me anyway, but I am sharing my Monday Facebook post with you.

This is what I wrote. 

I started out Daylight Savings with a bang. Bertha the Buick decided that it had been far too long between Breakdowns/carhiccups/generallybadcarissues. On the way to swim team practice tonight she overheated. I "shuddered" my way into a Wal-mart parking lot (so handy) and spent the next hour cooling her down...with a variety of trips into Wal-mart for bottled water, Anti-freeze, cheese puffs and chocolate. Thankfully, Bertha eventually perked up and I was able to drive her home. Josiah told me that he was "amazed" that I figured out what to do. Of course, I had the Muffin on the phone to give me step-by-step instructions...and I had chocolate (it was sugar free so don't fuss).

Here is where I have give God some credit. If it had not been for Daylight Savings occuring yesterday(and springing forward) I would have been doing all of this car nonsense in the dark. 

It also made me absolutely even more grateful for my faithful husband. 

I'm still trying to thinking pleasant thoughts about Bertha. "No car payment" "Smooth ride" "No car payment." Some thoughts are better than others. 

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