Friday, March 6, 2015

A Weight Loss Journal: Setting Goals

So I'm just a little late with my weekly weight loss journal update.

I finished up my no-sugar February. It honestly got easier as time went on. I am not used to eating a whole lot of sugar anyway..I am diabetic. But I had thrown my good sense to the wind (or at least the North Pole) and had overindulged during Christmas.

We are talking sugar cookies. And cake. And sugar cookies. And pie. And some more sugar cookies. Not to mention the Christmas Crack I made.

Sometimes I'm not too bright for a smart girl.

Take for instance this past Monday. Josiah had swim team practice and I had a few errands to run beforehand. We stopped off at Target with just 20 minutes or so before I needed to get him to practice. I was sinking fast and needed some quick energy to make it through a workout I had planned during practice.

That quick energy came in the form of a Lindt's Salted Caramel Chocolate Bar.

I ate the whole stinkin' thing.

By the time I dropped Josiah off at the front door of the Y, found a place to park and walked inside I could barely put one foot in front of the other.

Talk about a sugar crash. Instead of my workout, I sat inside the pool area in somewhat of a lethargic coma.

I don't know if it is coincidental, but this week I have had two fairly nasty migraines.

I truly believe that to be successful to any healthy lifestyle journey you have to have a lifestyle change. You also have to dole out plenty of moderation. I am not planning on never having another piece of birthday cake or frozen custard treat from my favorite stop. But I also think that perhaps it was too soon for me to partake in a whole stinkin' chocolate bar!

How do you move on from an 'oops' or a 'hiccup' in your diet plan? The beauty of having a healthy lifestyle is that the majority of my choices are good ones. This leaves me room for a few indulgences now and then.

A few years ago, I would have been defeated by seemingly lack of will power. I would have decided that I had failed. Now I recognize that success is just the next good choice and those small indulgences are only that. They don't define me.

I can tell you that my no-sugar-challenge has been terrific for many number of reasons. I was reminded again that I am capable of self-control. I am not at the whim of my cravings. I also have been energized by effectiveness of a good goal.

So I decided I am once again going to establish some healthy living goals for myself. I would recommend this little practice for anyone who wants to make over their life.

This next week:

1. I want to exercise at least 4 days. Not for four days...mind you. But on four days.

You get my point.

2. I am going to take more time with my personal care. My nails look atrocious. And I won't even tell you how many days I wore the same yoga pants this week.

3. This week I am finally going to weigh myself. It's time. I have had the handy excuse of needing batteries for my scale. Between all of the electronics and remotes in this house I am fairly sure somebody has a stash of batteries somewhere.

My fear has been becoming overwhelmed and discouraged by the scale. It can become an obsession with me. I also realize that I need to know where I'm headed. I need to know if what I am doing is working. I can't depend on saggy spundies forever (per last week's update).

Here is just a bit of advice about goal making.

Sometimes when we recognize that we need a lifestyle overhaul we get drastic.

You know what I mean. We try the latest detox or juicing fast. We start with a workout plan that even the Arnold would approve off (don't tell me you don't know about Arnold Schwarzenegger's body building days).  We fill our refrigerators with fresh veggies and almond milk. We stock up on all the supplements recommended by the latest health guru.

We go after it. Hard.

By the second week we are so exhausted by the detox that we can't even begin to think about that workout plan. The veggies are going rotten and at least one of those supplements is causing a belly cake (or is it all that kale?).

All those things aren't bad in themselves. They just need to be eased into. Instead of making over your lifestyle in one fell swoop, why don't you choose one thing to do this week?

Instead of the mad workout schedule try walking around the block.

Instead of  making over your entire menu try making over one meal at a time. For example, this week work on having a healthy breakfast every day.

Instead of taking a whole cocktail of the latest miracle supplements just try one. Even a good multi-vitamin can work wonders. In fact, I take a prenatal vitamin daily. And no. I'm not expecting anyone. It just has something my body seems to be lacking.

Next week I want to talk about some of my favorite healthy breakfast ideas. I will also give you an update on my goals for the week.

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