Friday, May 22, 2015

A Review: Motivate Your Child Action Plan!

One of the best parenting books I have had the opportunity to read has been Motivate Your Child by Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller.  I was blessed to be a part of the Launch Team for the book. When the chance came to be part of the Motivate Your Child Action Plan team I knew that it was something I had to be a part of.

Parenting is the toughest job I’ve ever had. It is also the most precious. Let’s be honest. None of us are singularly qualified for the job. We are parenting unique, living, breathing and complicated creatures. It is a far different experience than parenting the baby dolls of my youth.

The Motivation Your Child Action Plan is a 40 plan that helps you, as the parent, develop a parenting plan. It gives you tools to tackle school performance, disrespect, laziness, procrastination, sibling conflicts and more. It emphasizes the value of relationship and how to move forward with any age child.

The book also comes with a link to download 12 audio sessions with the authors.

One unique aspect of the plan is that you work with your child. For example, there is time and attention placed on having meetings with your child. The purpose of those meetings is to strategize with your child how to best work on those character issues. You make the child responsible for their actions and help them confront their behavior.

For example, in our house Josiah and I have talked about motivation concerning his school performance. He is dyslexic and I understand that some things are harder for him. However, we have talked about being engaged and committed. Josiah and I have been making a plan that includes those virtues.

The workbook was so helpful when it actually came down to practical ways to make this happen. Instead of me yelling and “monologuing” about the disaster of an unfulfilled life and a mediocre education, we have come up with more of a helpful system. Josiah now has a checklist that he is supposed to manage. This helps him manage his time and helps him measure his progress.

The beauty of the Action Plan is how much it emphasizes relationship and the leading of the Holy Spirit. I like this little passage.

Too many children are raised on simple behavior modification. That approach to life trains kids to think about themselves. When parents help their children practice faith, rely on the Holy Spirit, and pay attention to the prompting of the conscience, they’re contributing to the long-term maturity and the health of their kids.

This is truly what it is all about. I want to raise a son who has a heart after God. The authors understand that we can't use a "one-size-fits-all" approach to parenting. However, by building relationship and relying on the Holy Spirit we can go far. HIS Grace is sufficient.

The Action Plan can be used alone, but I recommend purchasing the book as well. They are both valuable tools to have.

I believe right now there is a special on the Motivation Your Child Action Plan.  Head on over to the National Center for Biblical Parenting to check it out. There are many other great resources as well.

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