We just had the opportunity to review a charming little children's book called S is for Smiling Sunrise by Vick Wadhwa of WordsBright.
I, of course, am not the mother of a young child. My son's voice recently changed and he has some start of a moustache going on. However, I teach a reading class every Thursday morning and I knew that this would be a great book for the littles in our group.
I also took a little bit of a different approach. I let the bigger guys read to the little guys. It was great practice for them and I'm sure they felt really important.
This is Josiah's friend, Corey. Corey doesn't not have a moustache. |
The book itself is bright and colorful. This one was Josiah's favorite page. Surprise. Surprise. He is my swim team guy, after all. All of the artwork is cheery and eye-catching.
This collection of inspirational ABC poems was written by a father for his young daughter. The intended ages are 3 and up, but I think a whole host of readers and listeners will enjoy the book. The rhymes are sweet and encouraging.
If you look really close at Josiah's lip the stache is there. |
I must tell you that Josiah is dyslexic and he felt so encouraged being able to read the book to his little friends.
I do have a funny little story. One of the older boys was reading the "T" page, which stands for "Tasty"(healthy food). When our littlest guy who is four initially saw the page he yelled,"T is for Old Lady!" The illustration was of a cartoon girl eating. My apologies to whoever was the model for that particular drawing.
Along with book, I received a download of the book in song. It is a catchy little tune and I believe it is available as a free resource on the WordsBright website. Another free resource are the Teacher's Guides. They give suggestions for activities for Preschoolers and Grades K-3. There were many great ideas. There is a also a beautiful poster Words poster for download, as well.
Being a former early childhood teacher myself, I felt that the suggestions were engaging and lots of fun!
For our activity on this day, the kiddos talked about Rainbows. We have had some stormy weather here in the Ozarks lately. Rainbows have been plentiful and they were inspired to draw and color their own Rainbow.
I think this is a sweet, little book and our kids loved reading through it. I really love that the author offers the free resources. I have been teaching reading classes for some time now. I'm glad to have it as part of my teaching toolbox. I appreciate the positive note of the whole book. We found it delightful.
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