I love a good “how to”
manual. This must not be confused with
an “owner’s manual.” I always get one of those strange intrinsic urges to set
an owner’s manual aside and tackle my appliance/building project/other doo-dad without having a clue
as in what I’m doing. Shew. Like that “owner’s manual” I must have somewhere
about run-on sentences.
The “how-to” manual
is an entirely different animal. It sets a goal in front of the reader and
step-by-step it guides the reader towards that goal. I find the older I get I
need a little bit of hand holding. I don’t know as much as I once did.
For the past few
weeks, I’ve been blessed to review the Successful Homeschooling
Made Easy Course by Stephanie Walmsley from Successful Homeschooling
Made Easy. This course assists homeschoolers step-by-step into the whole homeschooling
world through encouragement and helpful information.
Stephanie Walmsley is
a Christian wife, mother and grandmother. She also has a background in
teaching. She shares all of that experience, as well as her understanding as a
homeschooler into this course (you can read more about her homeschool story here). The course is 26 weeks long. It covers
everything from scheduling, organizing, choosing curriculum and even helps with
The lessons come as a
weekly subscription via PDF. Stephanie gives us practical guidance and an
assignment weekly. There are practical schedule templates and places to add
notes. Her suggestions and information is easily tweaked to fit anyone
homeschool family’s particular needs or situation.
How it works...How I used it...What I think
I have homeschooled
Josiah since he was in 1st grade. He’s in7th now so I’ve had a
few years under my belt. I do have a background in education so what I brought
to my homeschool experience was a mixed
bag of blessings.
My first few years of
homeschooling were all over the place. I tried to cram so much into our short
days. When it was discovered that Josiah was dyslexic I was left in a tizzy. I’ve
slowly but surely settled into at least some peace of what needs to happen and
I’m always quick to assure new homeschool families that it isn’t ever perfect.
I’ve also reached a season in our homeschool that I need to reset some things.
I felt that this course could not only be
something that I could point fellow homeschoolers to as well as glean some
wisdom for myself. Already I have been
able to review 9 week’s worth of lessons. I received an email with the download link and
saved the PDF document. It is recommended to print off each of the lessons and
save them in a binder for easy access.
With some lessons I
had more printer ink at the time so I was able to do that. Other lessons I have
simple referred to on my computer. I have also sent the file to my Kindle.
For one, I found
Stephanie’s tone to be very encouraging. Her assignments weren’t ones that left
the reader overwhelmed. I found her advice to be very doable. She also
encourages the participant to find what works for their own family. My needs as
a homeschooler with an only son who struggles with some learning challenges is
different for those who have many children.
From the very first
lesson I was inspired. Lesson one begins with establishing a weekly schedule.
For years I have struggled with this very thing. I am naturally a morning
person. So is my son. However, my husband’s work schedule is a strange one. He
works 4 days a week from 3:30pm-1:30am. Often our “family time” has to be in
the morning. I have to get his supper reader before he leaves for work. Josiah
often has morning activities. Stephanie encouraged me to embrace that afternoon
school schedule. Now I have time in the morning to complete my household chores,
errands and spend time with my family. This leaves our afternoons free for a
school schedule that is seldom uninterrupted.
Stephanie also
recommends establishing a Literacy Hour into the routine. And then a Numeracy
Hour. Both of these were established in consecutive weeks. I think this is a
fabulous idea for new homeschoolers or those who need to ease their way back
from a summer break or long illness.
We are also
encouraged to set goals for our homeschool . In Lesson 6 moms are encouraged to
make self-care an important part of their routine. For me, this advice couldn’t
come at a better time. I have been burning the candle at both ends. Contrary to
popular belief, homeschool moms do not simple stay at home to eat cheetos,
watch soap operas and craft. It is a tough job and I usually find myself
We are treated to a
lesson of the history of home education. Along with this the different methods
to homeschooling are outlined and we are given the assignment to decide which
style fits our family the best. Although I have pretty much decided on a style
we fit most easily into I was glad to see this included. Some homeschoolers
simply stay in that traditional mode because that is all they know. There are
so many wonderful ways to school.
In Lesson 8 we talk
about socialization. This isn’t a “how –to” to get your kids more involved in activities.
Instead Stephanie advices us to make the home the center of homeschooling. I
found this to be valuable wisdom.
So far, I have found
this to be a very valuable course. I
have a very Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde approach to my organization. On one hand I
am very project oriented. Give me an event to organize and I plan to the last
toothpick. When it comes to my day-to-day life I am more a “fly by the seat of
her stretchy pants” kind of girl. I have tried all manner of suggestion and
programs only to disappoint myself. The mere suggestion that I could adjust my
schedule to work for my family was revolutionary. I am anxious to see what else
I will be able to glean from Successful Homeschool
Made Easy.
You can connect with
Stephanie via Facebook.
Click on the banner below to read more reviews.

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