Do you ever feel as if there are gaps in your child’s
education? It might be that they need extra attention in one area or another or
a little more time to work things out. It’s easy to get “gappy” with math.
I speak from personal experience. There were a lot of math
classes I spent daydreaming, my friends.
A+ Interactive Math has come up with a pretty great idea.
They are now offering new Math Mini-Courses.
I asked for Money and Time to review.
A+ Interactive Math is an online curriculum that we’ve had a
chance to review in the past. They have covered all the bases with their Math
You can choose from…
Counting and Identifying Numbers (1st-3rd) - 15 lessons
Place Value and Number Combinations (1st-3rd) - 15 lessons
Naming, Comparing and Arranging Numbers (1st-3rd) - 17
Early Elementary Fractions (1st-3rd) - 10 lessons
Early Elementary Addition (1st-3rd) - 17 lessons
Early Elementary Subtraction (1st-3rd) - 15 lessons
Elementary & Middle School Multiplication (2nd-6th) - 13
Elementary & Middle School Division (2nd-6th) - 15
Tables, Charts and Graphs (1st-6th) - 17 lessons
Elementary Geometry (1st-4th) - 19 lessons
Elementary Algebra (1st-4th) - 27 lessons
Advanced Geometry (4th-7th) - 35 lessons
Advanced Fractions (4th-8th) - 26 lessons
Decimal Numbers (3rd-7th) - 20 lessons
Percentages (5th-8th) - 13 lessons
Time (1st-4th) - 20 lessons
Money (1st-5th) - 18 lessons
Number Types and Conversions (3rd-6th) - 35 lessons
Ratio, Proportions, Probability & Statistics (3rd-6th) -
14 lessons
Measurements and Conversions (2nd-6th) - 23 lessons
I decided on the Money and Time courses, because Josiah still seems to have gaps and I wanted to provide him with daily practice. This seemed like a great way to do it! To begin our classes, I opened up Josiah’s dashboard.
This is the Money class, but the Time is set up the same
way. You can see that there are quite a few options. We focused mainly on the
Interactive Lessons and Quizzes.
It does take a few times around the block to figure out how
to navigate the program. It’s easy enough once you get the hang of it. For
example, you have to go in and check a box before it adds it to the student’s
report. Josiah would forget where he was or needed to go next. It would help if
there were some sort of check system to let him know what to do next without my
The lessons themselves are easy to follow. They are short and don’t
drag it out unnecessarily. I don’t know about you, but not only was I a
daydreamer…I’m raising one as well.
After the student completes the lesson there is a little interactive
quiz available to take at the bottom.
What is great about the lessons and the quizzes is that they can be
repeated as often as necessary. In fact, Josiah didn’t want to “complete” a
lesson until he had achieved 100% on his quizzes.
In addition to the interactive lessons (which I think are
the best part!) there is a digital worksheet generator for more practice and
PDF files of the lessons themselves. The tests are available to print out and
are more cumulative in nature.
Let me talk a little about the individual courses.
The Money Mini-Course certainly builds in difficulty. It is
18 lessons long and begins with basic coin counting and moves to calculating and interest rates. I need a refresher myself! We haven’t gotten
that far in our course work. I believe
in mastery and Josiah has been working through approximately 1-2 lessons a
week. Over and over if need be.
The Time Mini-Course has 20 different lessons. This Course
talks about more than reading time on an
analog clock, but deals with days, weeks, seasons, etc. Josiah has had an
easier time with this course. Towards
the end of the course the lessons turn towards Elapsed Time Units. I appreciate the different methods used to
explain certain concepts.
For example, this lesson uses a t-scale to help the student
organize information. This is very helpful for my very visual (and hands-on)
These are such great little courses. We have been using them
in conjunction with our regular math. I know that Josiah can log in and work on
those skills that he has struggled with without having to take time away from
what we are studying at the time.
I do want to tell you that A+ Interactive Math has a very good "try before you buy" plan. They offer some of their programs FREE for one month before you make a commitment. There are FREE software downloads available as well, but they don't have all the bells and whistles. However, I didn't see the Mini-Courses in the free trials so maybe that is coming.
The Mini-Courses are online courses so you will need a good working computer, a faithful internet connect and a set of speakers or headphones. There are options for printables, but we found we didn't need them.
I do want to tell you that A+ Interactive Math has a very good "try before you buy" plan. They offer some of their programs FREE for one month before you make a commitment. There are FREE software downloads available as well, but they don't have all the bells and whistles. However, I didn't see the Mini-Courses in the free trials so maybe that is coming.
The Mini-Courses are online courses so you will need a good working computer, a faithful internet connect and a set of speakers or headphones. There are options for printables, but we found we didn't need them.
You can connect with A+ Interactive Math via the following social media outlets. Don't forget to click on the banner below to read more reviews. Other members of the crew also reviewed some of the other mini-courses. I'm sure there is one that will peak your interest!
Twitter: @aplustutorsoft
Twitter: @aplustutorsoft

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