Who doesn't like a FREE Printable?
If you are a homeschooler this might be one of the most used Google search terms.
FREE. Printable.
I'm joining the TOS Crew Blog Round-Up this week to share some of the FREE. Printables I've created over the years.
Each link will take you the original post (where I featured them)....so I apologize in advance if there is any unnecessary rambling.
Am I right?
These Grocery Store Printables happen to be one of my most Pinned post on Pinterest. And they are pretty stinkin' cute.
I have to include this next set of Notebooking Pages. We are currently reviewing a great book about George Washington Carver. We happen to have visited the George Washington Carver National Memorial several times and these were a result of our last visit.
This last link is one of my favorites. Technically, I use it in the fall, but I think it's a cute study for any time of the year. It's a whole bunch of wonderful activities, notebooking pages and a lapbook about Johnny Appleseed and Apples! I have been doing a Johnny Appleseed unit since I was a young teacher. I'm going to be doing a Johnny Appleseed unit when Josiah is in college. Just watch me!
Of course, you can always click on my FREE Printables tab above and see what else I've come up with. I need to make more! I really enjoy making them....I need to get my act together.
Maybe when all the laundry gets caught up.
You can click on the banner below to find more FREE Printables from my Crew Peeps.

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