Some of my favorite teaching tools are games. A game seems
to be able to present previously confusing material in such a way that is new
and fresh. In particular, it seems as if math games are needed most at our
house. Recently, we had a chance to review a grand new game from Sunya Publishing. It is called Sunya
– The Math and Wonder of Math and Science Adding & Subtracting. We had a blast with this one!
The whole game set comes with a couple of different things.
The instruction book is spiral bound and gives some very interesting history
about math, as well as the instructions on how to play. There are 60 cards that
have numbers (along with dots indicating the amount), addition, subtraction and
equal symbols. I also received 30 math and science riddle question cards. More
about those in a minute.
So the name of the game is this. You need to make a number
sentence using the cards in your hand. This is the Basic Play version and this
is the one we stuck with. Because Josiah has some dyscalculia issues, I felt that he
needed some fun exposure to different combinations of sums. This was the
perfect game for him! The game is intended for ages 7-adult. You can play it all by yourself or with up to 5 players.
There are other versions (and more difficult) of the game
you can play, but I can tell you that wanted to Josiah happily played the Basic
Play over and over (and over again). That made this momma’s heart happy!
After a player wins a round, he or she gets to pick a card
from the Math and Science Riddle Question Cards. This were so much fun!
I’m mean really.
Here are a few things you need to know.
This game is brand, spanking new. You won’t find it in any
of your educational supply stores or your neighbor’s game closet. We have been
blessed to be able to try it out. This
game is not being mass-produced at this time, but you should be able to order
it from their website in the next few days.
I will also say that the instructions could possibly be made
easier by a little youtube tutorial. At least, for some of us that learn
visually. However, I didn’t have as much trouble picking it up as I thought I
would initially.
There is also a Multiplication and Division game to purchase. I think it would be another great one to have.
I encourage you to give Sunya Publishing some love. This is really
a fun and educational product!
Don’t forget to click on the banner to read more reviews.

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