I love me some review.
We generally homeschool year round, but in the spirit of summer
togetherness I have been referring to our homeschool day as “Review Time.”
“Come, Josiah. Let’s do a little review.” It doesn’t sound
as heavy and it rhymes.
I do what I can.
Regardless, I have found that reviewing is the key to keep
those things that Josiah is learning fresh in his mind. Otherwise, it seems as
if we have to start from square one. To help me in the math department this
summer, we have been reviewing LearnBop for Families by LearnBop.
LearnBop is an interactive math program for kiddos grades
3-12. LearnBop is more than just a simple online review program. It provides
the student a tutorial for missed problems or confusing concepts.
When you first sign up for LearnBop you are asked to choose
a roadmap for your student to follow. Your roadmap can follow a grade level or
a subject.
The roadmap is divided into smaller chunks of units that the
student has to master before moving on. There is a warm-up that provides a
better indicator on the student’s prior knowledge and skill level.
The student
is then given several instructional videos to view and a variety of math
problems to complete. The problems are called “Bops.”
To master a unit, the student has to achieve 90%
accuracy. This means some of those smaller units might take a little longer to
navigate through…of course, depending on your student’s particular needs.
Extra incentive is provided along the way by the earning of
awards. There are a variety of awards and all are in the form of some sort of
badge displayed on your screen. For example, Josiah earned both patient and
persistent awards early on. The patient award was for watching the videos
before barreling through the math problems. Love it!
Josiah was hoping for pizza.
How We Used It
I have mentioned before that Josiah has difficulty with
math. He has struggled over the years with even the most basic of concepts. He
has come a long way, but math is always challenging. The more technical term
for this struggle is dyscalculia.
He has enjoyed using the program for the most part. Some of the
videos have been a bit confusing for him to follow. Mostly, I have found that
he struggles with trying to follow the ones that present the method a little
bit differently than he has learned it.
For example, in the Multiplication and Division unit (3rd
grade), the videos go about explaining how to come up with an answer than
simply memorizing facts. We had to watch
them a few times and talk over the concept.
I was also provided with an account with LearnBop. And in the spirit of summer reviews I am dusting off the ole Algebra skills and showing you how it basically works.
First of all, direct your attention to the left-hand side of the pic below. You will see the long road graphic with a list of concepts to the side. This is basically the path I will have to follow to Algebra I glory. I have clicked on Quadratic Equations Part 1 to do first. According to the screen, I haven't done any of the tasks required as of yet.
I first have to complete a warm-up. The warm up for this unit was 9 questions long.
After I confirmed that it had been a looong time since Algebra of any kind dwelled in my brainospere, LearnBop suggested that I review a few Building Blocks.
These Building Blocks are certain concepts that I need to master before I master the overall subject of Quadratic Equations.
I clicked on the first required video and this is what came up.
LearnBop is keeping it real!
After watching both videos, I then proceeded to solve all the "Bops."
Notice the blue "Submit Answer" tab. To the left of it you can a tab written in yellow that says "Ask for help. This is one of my FAVORITE things about Learn Bop.
Also note the word problem itself. I'm telling ya! LearnBop is lowering the BOOM.
It will take you step-by-step through the problem. It is not merely a reminder of a concept, but actual help using that particular problem. THIS IS AWESOME!
There is also a lot of positive reinforcement with LearnBop. I am by no means done with this problem, but it assures me I am on the right track.
What I remember most about my own math experience in school
was when it was time to move on to learn a new concept, the whole class moved
on together…whether everyone had learned it or not.
I think that LearnBop understands that.
I am practically giddy with the thought that LearnBop is providing a place where I can brush up on my own math skills.
Not that I plan on taking another math class…ever…in my
life. My “A” in College Algebra was about as good as it’s going to get. However,
I can tell you right now that my higher math skills are going to need some
refreshing before I try and pass them along.
You can see that this is truly a unique and effective program. Go check it out!
You can connect with LearnBop via the following social media outlets. Don't forget to click on the banner below to read more reviews.

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