In my opinion, one cannot have too many resource in their
homeschooling tool box. Of course, if you are like me and have limited space in
that “tool box,” online resources become invaluable. Over the past several
weeks, we’ve been given the opportunity to review the annual subscription to
the CHSH Download Club from (Christian Homeschool Hub) was started by
Lynda Ackert, a homeschool mom and classroom teacher. This is an online subscription service featuring tons of downloadable materials. Currently, it
has over 50,000 pages of printables for grades K-12. I found the site to be
easy to navigate. There is a search box available or the user can browse
through each subject/grade or even month.
There is just about a little bit of everything on the site.
Members can also contribute their own materials to share with others.
When I first received access to I went
immediately and started poking around. I
knew fairly quickly that I would need to focus my attention on a few key areas.
When I said that there is a little bit of everything…I meant it!
Initially, I wanted to focus on some neat biography units I
found on famous inventors. But as I started digging a little farther I changed
my direction (at least for now). I found
a great leveled reading list. Josiah is dyslexic so I am always conscience about
his progress. The leveled reading list
is terrific tool to help me gauge the difficulty of a book. I simply went through the list and made note of the books we already have.
I also found a good selection of literature units on the
site. I have been assigning Josiah independent reading. One of the books I have
on that list is The Giver by Lois Lowry. This literature unit is easy to follow
and has lots of different activities to help enrich the book.
Some more recent additions to the website have made it to our curriculum list this fall.
I found some great units on our
election process and the American Government.
Being that this is an election year, I was interested in gathering materials
that could help educate us more on our political process.
This first set of worksheets (just downloaded in August) is
one of my more recent finds on the site. It is all about the Anatomy of the U.S.
Constitution. This is an excellent resources!
I also found a great Election Analysis project for Josiah to work through.
I don’t want to neglect mentioning all of the first-rate planning
resources found on the site. Also, Josiah has outgrown the preschool and elementary
resources, but they are truly excellent. As a former Kindergarten teacher, I
approve wholeheartedly! is an excellent resource and I look forward
to utilizing it this school year. You do have the option for a free membership.
However, it only gives you limited access. You can have full access through a
yearly or a lifetime membership. Go check it out!
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