Folks. By now you must know how much I absolutely ADORE
history. I Wuv it. And if you have followed the blog for very long you know that
some of my favorite product reviews have been from Home School in the Woods.
That being said, I was beyond tickled to get the chance to review the BRAND
SPANKIN’ NEW HISTORY Through the Ages Project Passport World History Study:Ancient Greece.
Home School in the Woods is just plain cool.
Amy Pak, veteran homeschooler, has taken her background in
graphic design and made the most beautiful products…just for us to add a bit of
“flavor” and panache into our history lessons.
So what is a HISTORY Through the Ages Project Passport World
History Study? And how is it different from a standard history lesson.
Basically, it takes us on an adventure through time
with 25 Lessons packed with hands-on activities and explorations.
If you like Timelines there is one (a pretty great one,
If you like lapbooking, there are lapbook components.
If you are a notebooking family there are plenty of pages to
do just that.
There are games to play, listening sections, newspaper
articles to write and recipes to create.
I received a download of the study. It contains everything
about anything that you need to complete the project. As I mentioned before there are 25 stops
within this study.
Stop 1 - Laying the Foundation Part 1: From Noah to the
Stop 2 - Laying the Foundation Part 2: Mycenaeans to Dark
Stop 3 - The Archaic Period
Stop 4 - Greek Government
Stop 5 - Athens
Stop 6 - Sparta
Stop 7 - Everyday Live Part I
Stop 8 - Everyday Life Part 2
Stop 9 - Farming, Business, Transportation
Stop 10 - Education, Oration, Literature
Stop 11 - Science
Stop 12 - Medicine and Disease
Stop 13 - The Arts
Stop 14 - Philosophy
Stop 15 - Religion - Part I Titans, Gods and Monsters
Stop 16 - Religion - Part 2 The Heroes and the People
Stop 17 - Warfare
Stop 18 - The Greco-Persian Wars
Stop 19 - The Golden Age and The Peloponnesian War
Stop 20 - Sparta, Thebes, and the Coming of the Macedonians
Stop 21 - Alexander the Great
Stop 22 - The Hellenistic Age
Stop 23 - The Greeks and the Jews
Stop 24 - Rediscovering Ancient Greece
Stop 25 - Packing Up
One of the benefits of a study like this is that you can
truly tailor it to fit your homeschool. You can use it everyday, once a week, a
few times every week or make into an intense weeklong event.
Ancient Greece all day…every day!
Ancient Greece all day…every day!
The product is intended for grades 3-8. Josiah is in 9th grade, but I decided that this would be a great hands-on study for him. I mentioned that I did receive the download in a PDF. If you chose to do the same you will need a supply of plain printer paper, colored paper and card stock. You will also need scissors, stick glue, a variety of office doo-dads and art supplies.
I always operate under the "use what you have" mantra so I used just the paper I had on hand.
When I first received the download I went to the folder to
peruse its contents.
You can go through all the files and try and decide what you
need to do first, but I recommend using the Start file to help you go from stop
to stop. I found that they have organized it such a way that makes it easy
I did print off those itineraries and project masters (including instructions) that would assist me in getting ahead of the ball game. I suggest you give yourself an afternoon to print and sort.
Being chosen for this review was so timely. We have been studying Ancient History and this came at just the right time. I decided to use the product a few times a week. This Stop #6 - Sparta happens to be where we are right now. You can see how well it is all laid out. It tells you exactly what you will be doing for each stop.
Notice the Audio Tour at the bottom. This particular Audio Stop took about 11 minutes. It was a fun little activity that added a some extra sparkle to the lesson.
By clicking on the photo icon I get to see an example of a finished activity.
I want to share with you just a few glimpses of some of our finished projects.
If you never purchase anything else from Home School in the Woods, a "must have" are the timeline figures.
They are expertly drawn and easy to use.
This seemingly innocent notebooking page on the Governments of Ancient Greece holds a surprise.
There are also plenty of hands-on activities that don't require any cutting and pasting. This is a recipe from a cookbook (known as The Greece-Y Spoon).
We took advantage of the yummyness inside. Presenting a teenage boy peeling cucumbers. He actually made a delicious Greek salad.
Don't you just love kids in the kitchen! I am thrilled that not only did we learn history, but we got to cook good food.
This is an excellent product all the way around. It does involve some work on the homeschool teacher's part. You need to be able to print and print some more. However, the results are well worth the effort. I have also found that any of the Home School in the Woods products are adaptable to your particular needs. One thing I love is that I can just print out the booklet pages that already have the "correct answers" written out. Some require the student to fill them in. Because Josiah is dyslexic and has struggled with dygraphia. I would rather let Josiah enjoy learning history and not worry about his handwriting.
The Homeschool Review Crew is reviewing other HISTORY Through the Ages Project Passport World History Studies.
You can connect with Home School in the Woods via the following social media outlets. Don't forget to click on the banner to read more excellent reviews.
Twitter: @HSintheWoods
Twitter: @HSintheWoods

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