Got some kiddos obsessed with dinosaurs at your house? We recently had the opportunity to review the online class Dinosaurs and the Bible as well as the introductory video Taking the Mystery Out of Geology from Northwest Treasures.
Northwest Treasures is a company that produces geology courses from a scientific Christian perspective. Which is how we roll. We want to provide resources in our homeschool that align with our faith, yet has solid science behind it.
Josiah has is currently spending some time with the grandparents at the farm and if you have followed me lately, you know that I’ve been looking over possible curriculum and material for his Junior year of High School. The Dinosaurs and the Bible course is intended for grades 5 through adult. Since I probably qualify as an adult, I thought I would give you my impressions along with how I think I could use it in our homeschool.
Dinosaurs and the Bible is a six video course. Each video is approximately 20 minutes long and comes with downloadable review questions and the answer key. After the sixth course there is a final exam.
Here is a little bit of a rundown of the themes of each video.
Part 1: How We Got Our Modern View of Dinosaurs
I found this part to be really, really fascinating. Do you ever wonder how scientists arrived at certain conclusions or methods of study concerning dinosaurs or geology?
We learn about the history of the study of dinosaurs. For example, did you know that the very first dinosaur to be named and cataloged was the Megalosaurus ?
There is also an explanation of Darwinism and how it differs from what the Bible teaches us of life and creation.
We are given a look at how the Enlightenment era effected the study of Geology. Much of what many scientists stand on as “scientific fact” is merely what man has seen and recorded from a certain point in history.
Part 2: The Classification of Dinosaurs
This section deals with taxonomy, which also means classification.
I really found this part to be fascinating, as well. Did you know that the first taxonomist was Adam?
We learn about the Linnaean classification system and why it is flawed to use for extinct animals. We also learn the problems with Darwin’s Tree of Life theory.
Part 3: The Great Dinosaur Rush
If you enjoy history, you will really find this part interesting. It begins around the mid-1800’s when a large number of dinosaur bones were discovered.
What happened next was a race to find dinosaur bones. It also became known as the Bone Wars.
Have you ever heard of the Brontosaurus? They were very cool. And probably misnamed. Some of the guys involved in the Bone Wars really did a rush job in naming the dinosaurs.
Part 4: The Extinction of Dinosaurs
Why did the dinosaurs disappear? Some think that the dinosaurs were destroyed when an asteroid hit the earth millions of years ago. But really nothing successfully answers that questions in the secular scientific world.
This part talks about whether or not this theory is scientific fact or just the imaginings of man. And what are the differences between the secular and Biblical view of extinction.
We learn about the four main divisions of the Biblical framework which include Creation, the Pre-Flood period or Fall, the Flood and the Post-Flood period.
There are also some recommendations for books. Including a few books written by the author of our course, Patrick Nurre. I think these would make a great study for any homeschool.
Part 5: Dinosaurs and the Ice Age
So we’ve all watched a certain animated movie and its numerous sequels of the Ice Age. It’s pretty cute. In this section we learn the history of “glaciology.” Did you know that the father of glaciology, Agassiz, did not agree with Darwin’s theory of evolution? This did damage to his reputation.
Agassiz believed and presented evidence of an Ice Age. And since then there have many theories on how and Ice Age began. We learned that the Scriptures has an answer and this section explains it neatly.
Part 6: Fossils, Age, and Soft Tissue
In this section, we learn about how fossils became indicators of time-markers. And how does soft tissue discoveries explain the “millions of years old” theory?
We learn that the soft tissues discoveries and petrified wood found have more to do with a catastrophic event.
I remember visiting the Petrified Forest when I was a kid and a teenager. It was like visiting another planet. So cool!
Anyhoo. The great flood would explain many of inconsistencies in modern secular science.
Overall, this is such an interesting course. If you have ever had questions about any of these topics, you will love this course. I have never, ever claimed to have a scientific brain...and frankly, my eyeballs start glazing over if the words are too big. But, this course was just right. I felt like I could keep up and I wasn't being talked down to.
The videos are short. They aren’t flashy, by any means. But they are to the point and have enough graphics to keep them interesting.
I don’t believe there is enough material to use a full course for my High School Student. Instead, it is going to be a great supplement or a rabbit trail. I think the books that are recommended would be fantastic to have, as well. In fact, I just penciled in Dinosaurs and the Bible for Josiah to take sometime in November. He will be tired of the digestive system by then. I certainly know I will be!
I also think the price is really, really reasonable. I generally don’t comment on the cost of anything I review, but this one is well worth the cost…and it’s not much.
I also looked at the introductory video for the Take the Mystery out of Geology Online Course. The video talks about the importance of studying science from a Christian worldview. We also learn thirteen geological terms that give us a good start to learning more. I love the emphasis put on Scripture. You can be a scientist and have a scientific mind and still be a Bible-believing Christian!
I wasn’t as familiar with Northwest Treasures before I did this review. I am really impressed! I loved rock collecting and geology units as a kid. I spent time poking around their site and found some treasures. All of these resources are fabulous!
Here are a few I just need to mention.
State Rockhounding Kits and Rocks. I grew up in the Ozarks of Northern Arkansas and Southern Missouri. I for sure thought rose quartz was the coolest thing ever.
Yellowstone Creation Adventure and Dino Digs …Heading out west? This is the field trip of a lifetime! Sign me up!
Northwest Treasures Curriculum Project....these are all great resources. We are seriously getting this one called Fossils, Dinosaurs, and Cave Men.
You can connect with Northwest Treasures via the following social media outlets. Don't forget to click on the banner below to read more reviews!

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