It’s been a while since Josiah was a Little. But I do know that when he was I was always looking for good resources I could use that were uplifting and mostly FREE! You know what I’m talking about. Some of us on the Homeschool Review Crew had the opportunity to review a brand new program from Smart Kidz Media called Smart Kidz Radio.
Way back in the day, I did a review for Smart Kidz Media and was super impressed with the video content available. This time around I got to look at their brank spankin’ new live streaming radio station just for kids. No commercials. No crass language or conversation. No questionable children’s songs. You can just turn the thing on and go do your laundry while the Littles sit at the kitchen table with their coloring pages.
Or under the table with their action figures. I raised THAT kind of boy.
Before I show you how it works, I do need to mention one little thing. IT IS FREE! Absolutely FREE. There is going to be an on-demand option that will be available for a small fee eventually, but it won’t affect the FREE version. I looked around at some of the on-demand content and it looks really cute. For example, there is a channel for bedtime music. Yes, please. I might need that.
Here is what the site looks like. It is really easy to use.
The music is standard kids fare…but where I found gold is in the podcast menu. There are stories. Bunches of stories. Fairytales like Cinderella or retellings of great classics like Rip Van Winkle or Robin Hood. And some of these stories are around twenty minutes long. There are few 2 and 3-minute offerings like the Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc.
We personally love audio dramas in our house and we always have. These stories have a beautiful music soundtrack in the background and dramatized. I LOVE them. I hope Smart Kidz Radio adds more and more. Think of how it could add to your Read Aloud and Literature studies!
In the menu, there is also a tab to see your local weather, look at a map and more.
You need to check Smart Kidz Radio out! And if you are interested in the on-demand option, I recommend checking out the FAQ page.
You can connect with Smart Kidz via the following media outlets. Don't forget to click on the banner below to read more reviews.
Facebook: @smartkidzmediainc
Twitter: @SmartKidzMedia
Twitter: @SmartKidzMedia

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