I'm going to spend just a minute completely geeking out on you. Apologia was the very first vendor review I did for The Crew way back when. I begged and pleaded and probably offered my services for life when I asked for that review.
Which is probably why I am still here.
Apologia has published some of my very favorite homeschool curricula. And now...Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition. I haven't even got to my favorite part yet.
Yes, it is! Cue all the fun emojis!☝✌😉😀💗👍
The Basic Set comes with a hardcover textbook and a spiralbound student notebook.
The textbook is gorgeous. Josiah spent a whole afternoon just looking through it. This kind of stuff is right up his ally. Though he tells me he wants to make a living playing video games, he is really interested in the medical field. I think this course has been a fantastic nudge in that direction.
All the Apologia textbooks that I've had the privilege to own have also come with book extras online (via a password). This one was no exception. We were treated with online articles and videos to visit with each module. There are also answers to the study guide and test.
The book also provides instructional support for those of us who have students who need extra help. For example, I usually try and find Josiah an audio component of his textbooks. Unfortunately, this product is so new I don't think the audio CD is out yet!
There is also a list of items needed for the course. These include internet access, few items needed for exercise, and the Book Extras.
The course is divided into Modules. I have to say...Every module I looked through I thought..."Yes! I'm so happy Dr. Chase is covering this!"
This is a little paragraph about body order.
I'll just leave that one there.
Beyond being a textbook, this is really one of those books that I want to keep long after Josiah finishes. It like "everyman"s guide about health and how to live your life. At least in terms most of us can understand.
Trust me. I was an education major in Anatomy and Physiology I in college. That class about killed me.
The student notebook is also excellent. It is much more than busy work. There is ample space for notetaking and plenty of interactive activities.
For example, Module 1 is "Who Am I and Why Does Health Matter."
Almost right away Josiah had to take a temperament test. Now I think I know what he's like, but I wasn't sure he would be all that self-aware. Turns out my 16-year-old didn't have any trouble taking the test.
He is much more self-aware than I give him credit for. He is also more observant of other people too. He was ready to test me too!
This page is from Module 4 which is about Interpersonal Harmony. This Module talks about making friends, building relationships, interacting with others, and gender roles. So much good stuff! And so many capital letters down below!
What impressed me was the variety of activities contained within the pages of the notebook. I think variety is the spice of life AND education. I think your student is going to be engaged...regardless of his or her inclination.
The notebook also has Grading Rubrics and Suggested Daily Schedules. The tests are all located in the back in the Student Notebooks.
My Thoughts (the rest of them)
Obviously, it has been a long time since I've had Health in High School or College. But I do remember a few things about my time. It certainly wasn't like this health course.
Yes. Health And Nutrition talks about ALL of it.
The usual things like good nutrition and exercise. Dental care and bad cholesterol. Josiah learned more about certain medical professionals and help for ear wax troubles. The cardovasicular system and allergies.
This course also talks about reproduction, masturbation, immunization choices and sexual health. But it does it in a way that is God-honoring. The course also talks about Spiritual joy, taking Sabbath rest and finding peace in difficult times. It's nice not having to worry about what I'm handing over to him to read or learn.
Here is what Josiah had to say.
"This is a really good class. I like knowing what is good for me and not trying to just figure it out."
That is high praise, indeed.
I can't say enough good things about this course. I don't think my son has been this excited about a class in a long time. It makes my heart happy.
Before you go take a look-see at the product yourself, go download this FREE e-book It's called Whole-Health: God's Design for Your Body, Mind, and Soul Activity e-book.
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What does it say about reproduction, masturbation, immunization choices, and sexual health?