Let me tell you some of our experience. My major in college was Early Childhood Education. I spent 10 years in both Kindergarten and Preschool classrooms teaching Littles. I LOVE teaching. When we decided to homeschool Josiah I was convinced that my college education and classroom experience would put me in good stead.
Except that Josiah is dyslexic. And homeschooling is nothing like a classroom…nor should it be. And, frankly, I wasn’t prepared for some of the hostility I received from perfect strangers when they asked why Josiah wasn’t in “school.” Or when well-meaning family members who questioned my capabilities as a homeschool teacher or our decision to pull Josiah out of public school after kindergarten.
I have to say…that part hurt my feelings.
I initially felt so frustrated in our homeschooling experience. It didn’t feel like I thought it would.
I spent so many years trying different curriculum and methods. And it worried me to no end. It was only when I decided to follow my heart and listen to what I felt like God was telling me to do was when I found some peace.
If you can relate then I think you will really enjoy this book.
The author, Julie Polanco, is a homeschooling momma of four and graduated her oldest four years ago. The book has 9 chapters with each chapter containing a study guide at the end of the book with questions for you to think about.
The book talks about homeschooling in a way that is not bound by a certain method or curriculum. Instead, it is child-led and God-led. The book is divided into two parts. The first explains how children learn and dispell certain myths. It also deals with to motivate. The second part breaks down specific age groups and gives some practical advice.
Because Josiah is a teenager, I found myself spending a lot of time with that chapter. It is titled “Giving Teens the Wings to Fly.” This chapter talks a lot about preparing for life after High School. I have to say it opened my eyes. How do I prepare a transcript? What can I count? What about college?
There is some really good advice here.
I have to say that when I first started my homeschooling journey I would have been really skeptical about a book like this. The words “unschooling” would have made me crinkle up my nose. But experience has proven shown me better. And I guarantee that there are some of you out there who need Julie’s book right now.
In fact, I have a few places I have dog-eared to read over again. And again.
Towards the end of the book, there is a chapter called “Getting Started.” Here is a quote.
Our role is to make life sparkly. It is not enough to just let your child do what interests him. You should know him so intimately that you can entice him, inspire him, draw him in with what you present because it speaks to his heart.
I love this because I think one of the best things about homeschooling is the relationships you build with your family and your kids. And because of this, our homeschooling becomes that much more “sparkly.”
If you are tired of struggling with feeling adequate or worrying that you are doing something "wrong" this book might be for you. If you want more joy in your homeschool, this book might be for you. If you feel like you need a homeschool roadmap and would like a dose of Godly confidence, this book might be for you.
It's a keeper!
Before you rush over to check it out you need to know that through August 22, 2018 you can purchase the e-book for 1/2 the price! Now that's a deal!
Before you rush over to check it out you need to know that through August 22, 2018 you can purchase the e-book for 1/2 the price! Now that's a deal!
You can connect with Julie Polanco via the following social media outlets.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juliepolancobooks/ @juliepolancobooks
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jpolancobooks/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jpolancobooks/

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