Some of my “people” came from France. In fact, if you spend
some time in these Ozark hills you might come across a Bilyeu, LeMaster or Michel. It’s been years since any of those people have uttered
the mother tongue. . It is one of the most
beautiful languages, but one of the hardest to pronounce (at least for this
I always want to give Josiah an opportunity to learn new
things and languages are just one of those things I think are important part of
an individual’s education. When the
chance to review French Essentials came along I didn’t hesitate.I received access to their full online program.
What I Received
French Essentials is an online French program intended for homeschool
students 2nd grade through High School. The emphasis is on grades 3-8,
but a student can earn high school credits by combine modules. There are 4
Modules available at this time, but Module 5 should be completed by the end of
Each individual Module contains between 15 and 25 lessons. The lessons take the student step-by-step. They are
made up pdf lessons, interactive online exercises and audio files. Parental
involvement is dependent on your child’s age and reading level. To use French Essentials
you will need a computer with a good internet connection and speakers. You will
also need Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash Player, and Quick Time installed on your
computer (all are free).
The lessons themselves come in a downloadable .zip file with
online activities available after Lesson 4 (Module 1). Embedded within the files
are audio/visual lessons, worksheets to print off and a test. French Essentials
uniquely provides a multi-sensory approach using reading, writing, listening
comprehension and speaking using all of the tools I mentioned above.
French Essentials start at the beginning. There is
no need for you or your child to have any experience with the language
whatsoever. If your child does a background in French, he or she can take a
placement test to find out what Module to start with.
I received a full access to their online program for a year.
You can purchase just a module at a time for $69.95. Full access costs $149.95
per year.
How We Used It
The very first lesson was quite an experience. I downloaded
the zip file and we started with the French alphabet and pronunciation. It was
hysterical. We had a lot of fun following along with M. Legentil as he demonstrated
correct pronunciation.
Because Josiah is
dyslexic, I wanted to be sure there wasn’t anything “lost in translation” while
he worked through the lessons.
However, the more
he moved through the lessons it became apparent that it was going to be more
difficult than I anticipated.In particularly after he moved to the online activities.
He was able to see the words and hear the pronunciation. However,
when he got to the spelling it was extremely difficult for him to complete. I
realized that we needed rethink our French lessons for now.
Whenever I receive a product for review, I always
take into account that accommodations will have to be made for my dyslexic guy. I’m
okay with that. I would rather work a little harder to ensure that Josiah gets
the most out of the wonderful educational products we are blessed to review.
However, sometimes there are times I just can’t accommodate enough.
The issue isn't with French Essentials, it is with French, itself. It is considered an Opaque language (like English). Opaque means that the language does not have a clear letter-sound correspondence and contains more irregularities. Josiah has had a bit more exposure to Spanish and has had a bit more success. It, however,Spanish not an opaque language. It is a bit easier to manage because it has a more clear letter-sound correspondence.I honestly didn't consider this little issue when I requested it for review.
Despite Josiah’s struggles, the program is very well constructed. The online activities are particularly well done. Your student will have plenty of opportunity for practice.
Below is a screenshot of the Module 1. You can see the buttons for each 'lecion, as well as the tests.
This is a fun practice game called Scatter. The object is to move the picture to the correct word. It changes all the time.
Just a little funny note here. Josiah has a gift of mimicry
so his French accent is coming along very nicely!
I really think this a terrific program for
those of you who would like to introduce your child to French. All the
components, the worksheets, audio files and online activities, provided a
well-rounded foreign language education.
I can’t forget to mention the lessons on French culture. We were able to enjoy reading through these. Both of us learned quite a lot!
You can check out the program by registering for free and
getting access to a few lessons.
Some of my Crew friends reviewed French Essentials as well.
Go check them out!

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