We've had some bitterly cold weather here in the Ozarks.
Though my Indiana born and raised husband is complaining about our lack of snow.
I am resisting the urge to smack him...or at least rebuking that spirit of the cold stuff.
I love him. And he bought me a huge jug of olive oil.
You gotta keep a man like that.
Josiah and I have been keeping busy. At least, I am keeping busy. I have a feeling that Josiah is just pretending. I did find a pile of clean shirts in the dirty laundry basket.
I really need to throw him outside and let him run off some of his excess energy. We had to take both December and January off from swim team....and his PE class doesn't start for another 10 days. However, we live in a 2nd floor apartment in the middle of our town. Which is bigger than most, but not as big as some.
It doesn't mean we still can't enjoy the beauty of a winter day. This year I've created some printables that will, at least, focus our studies.
And I am going to share them with you. I apologize for any strange links, un-centered borders and misspelled words. I am only a girl with too much laundry to do and too many books to read.
Before I get to the nature-themed printables, I encourage you to check out THIS set of winter-themed writing prompts I made last week. There are a few that could be used with a nature study.
Here are some Observation pages for trees. There are separate files. Click here for the Deciduous Observation sheet. I kept spelling deciduous incorrectly. It could have all gone terribly wrong. The Evergreen Observation sheet can be found here.
If you click on the picture you will get the Evergreen Page. I got tired of taking snapshots of my PDF's so I clumped pictures together.
This next printable is actually a little booklet. I found a really nice (and old) publication by W.S. Blatchley. It is titled "How Animals Spend the Winter." I didn't use the entire piece. I picked out a few animals (or groups) to focus on. I love writing older publications and the fact that they are now in the Public Domain is just terrific. I made this little booklet to take to our reading club. I chose a font that is easier for kiddos with reading issues (like Josiah) to read. The kiddos can also underline and highlight (or make notes) to their hearts content. I have also included a list of possible activities.
Here are some Winter-themed notebooking pages. I've used vintage images. There are a few that would be appropriate for a Nature Study.
This file has two printables. The first is a Winter Bird Watching sheet. I've used birds that are commonly found at my Mom and Dad's farm. But you can cross out or add birds that are common in your neck of the woods. The second is a generic Winter Animal Research sheet. I find that Josiah does better with graphic organizers. They allow him to clearly record and report.
This Winter Weather Report one of my favorites. Not because it is the cutest, but because it is the most practical right now for us. We are recording the weather. I have a budding weatherman at my house. He knows the forecast before we do. It's been fun to look up all the information on our favorite weather stations website everyday. Plus, he has been able to make his own observations.
Using another old publication (Bird Neighbors, 1897) I created this little booklet about Woodpeckers. Specifically, the Red-Headed Woodpecker. Don't let this page fool you. I have 2 pages of reading from Bird Neighbors, a notebooking page, a page with a few woodpecker poems and a few links for some fun. There is also this newspaper style report page. I made this up for our little reading club as well.
Finally, this Bird Observation page is another one you can use all year round. I love birds. They are so cheerful. Much like myself when my husband buys me large jugs of olive oil.
It doesn't take much to make me happy.
Go forth, my friends. Enjoy those chilly days.
I am joining my friends from the Schoolhouse Review Crew for a Winter Nature Study Round-Up. The post goes live Wednesday, January 14. Go check it out!

Thank you for your wonderful winter nature study pages!!! They are absolutely beautiful!!! Also, I love the George Washington Carver notebooking pages; especially with quotes. I appreciate you sharing!!! I wish you and your precious family a delightful weekend!!! Leanne from Michigan