I {heart} Valentine's Day.
It's probably the chocolate. Or it could be that I have a fantastic reason to Celebrate the day.
Isn't he dreamy?
Of course, Valentine's Day wouldn't be complete without handing out valentine's to your special somebodies. If I happen to be your special somebody a pedicure would be really great right about now.
My mom and I have been creating something very special (that has nothing to do with chocolate or pedicure). Actually, they are "somethings."
In honor of Valentine's Day and the opening of our new online shop (SassyFrass) we would like to offer you a FREE download to one of Mom's zentangle creations.
Isn't it just darling. Of course your download will not have our watermark through it!
There are a few other Valentine's Zentangles available for purchase as well. I have been working on the shop forever and still only have a total of about 10 tangles on the store. Mom and I have created dozens.
Let me know if you are successful in your ability to grab the freebie or not. The shop is not in a format I'm used to working with so I imagine I have mistakes everywhere!
This are wonderful just to color or color and give as gifts. We find that using gel pens and colored pencils work best. Mom and I have both found very good gel pen packages at the Dollar Tree.
This particular Zentangle won't be free forever! But we will offer another FREE design next month. So download ASAP.
Also, I've created just a few notebooking pages that could be used for Valentine's Day. I plan on using these with out little reading club.
Just click each picture and the link should take you to my google drive. The borders I used came from Borders by Kelly. I just used vintage public domain graphics for the rest.
My last free printable I made for my littlest friends at our Reading Club. This is a matching game. You can print it out on cardstock or laminate. Or both. It depends on how hard your kiddos are on game pieces. The pictures are from old vintage valentines. I think they are just as sweet as they can be.
If you click on the picture it will take you to two pages of cards. Print 2 copies on cardstock or laminate.
I hope you enjoy these printables! Let me know how you use them.
I'm part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew Round Up! Go take a look at all the great resources...pretty please.

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