Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Weight Loss Journal: The Challenge

It has been Fo'Evah since I posted a Weight Loss update.

No excuses!

I've been doing pretty good. As you know I have decided to ignore my scale for now. I tend to get a little too friendly with the scale (can we say 'obsessive'?).

I do have a few good indicators that I'm moving down in the right direction.

I have some saggy spundies. And that, my friends, is about as good as it gets.

I have also had a different kind of victory. I have been practically sugar free since Christmas. In fact, I haven't had any sugar AT ALL the whole month of February. Don't get me wrong. I have used sugar substitutes. I'm not that crazy. It's amazing, however, how conscience I have been about everything I have been tempted to put in my mouth.

The Muffin bought me pearls for Valentine's Day.

Yes, girls. That's my man. He didn't even wave a chocolate bar in my direction. I have a cute story to tell. My Dad bought my momma a box of chocolates. That. My friends. Is just. Plain. Odd.

I don't think I remember him ever buying her chocolates. A power tool, maybe.

Anyhoo. When he presented said chocolates to her he said, "I know you have fat issues."

Oops. He probably should have rephrased that.

The truth is that she is watching her weight. She is 4'11 and weighs next to nothing, but had put on a few holiday pounds she wanted to shed.

For such a smart man....

This past weekend my niece (who was feeling really sorry for me) tried to pass me a piece of chocolate under the table. I assured her that I was doing just fine without it and that it was better for me to keep my commitment to a "No Sugar February."

I'm not so sure I would have been able to resist the same over at the beginning at the month.

So here is your challenge. Is there something that you can't live without that might not be so healthy?

Bread? Pop? Sugar? Candy?

You might be surprised what you can live without.


  1. That's awesome. I so wish I could get off sugar.

    1. It's hard, Missy! I find that if I let myself have a little I want more!

  2. Have you discovered monkfruit yet? I am not completely off sugar (had brownies today) but I would say I am mostly off it, only nipping into it somewhat on the weekends. I have found that monkfruit tastes closer to sugar than stevia does and it is also more similar to sugar in texture. My next thing I want to learn to do is cook with coconut flour.

    1. I will have to research monkfruit. I can't have anything that raises my insulin levels. I use coconut flour from time to time. It requires more liquids than traditional flour. I use almond and flax quite a bit too.


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