Monday, October 21, 2013

Musings From the Farm: Capturing the Cow

So Josiah and I are at the Farm this week. My Mom and Dad decided to take a quick vacation to see Baby Sister and make a stop to visit one of his old college professors. Baby Sister lives in Oklahoma. College Professor is retired in Texas. It’s hard to feed the chickens from Texas. So along with my nephew, Chris (who is 16 and capable), Josiah and I are holding down the fort farm. 

I’m always happy to avail myself to my parent’s cable television, pantry of unusual and fun ingredients and view from the back window. The farm is a beautiful place this time of year.
The Studly Muffin is batching back at our place with week with plenty of Ramen. I take care of my Man. 

Meanwhile, I have set up a little corner of my Mom’s table with my sewing machine and a few other craft projects. Josiah is having a bit of a fall break with his schooling (though he worried about missing swim team…he’s convinced that Ashlyn is going to use his favorite yellow kick board…if anyone runs into Ashlyn remind her that it’s his when he gets back). 

Anyhoo. I plan on getting a few things caught up. I have been running like a mad woman as of late and I need to breathe before the Holidays start up in full force. I am looking forward to piddling around the Farm, catching up with all those things that have been buried underneath my laundry. Surely nobody can relate!

I was doing some piddling in The Kitchen this afternoon when I saw a few familiar friends out the back window. 

My parents let their neighbor use this particular pasture from time to time for cow grazing. There are two cows in particular that we’ve gotten quite a kick out of. 

Both have been known to make an escape now and again.

This picture is actually one my mom took last year of Miss Skunk Stripe.
Miss Skunk Stripe (obviously named for resembling a skunk) has been found by the pond one more than one occasion. One time I mistook her for Solomon (The Big Black Dog) and yelled at her to come eat. That was until I saw the white stripe on her back. You can’t blame me for mistaking a cow for Solomon. 

This is One Big Black Dog. 

Another favorite is the brown cow. Whom I shall refer to as Miss Limbo. I am referring to her as Miss Limbo because one morning my mom and I caught her squatting underneath the fence to escape. Yes. I said squatting. Just like one would do in a fast and furious game of limbo. I have never seen anything like it. And I have seen a lot of strange things in my years.

So it looks like that Miss Skunk Stripe has been fruitful. And multiplied. And baby looks just like mama. I tried to get a good picture out the back window, but as you can see I couldn’t get close enough with my little point and shoot camera.

I sent Josiah out to get the job done. Usually I can depend on him to get some great pics.
I said specifically. “I want you to get a good picture of the new little calf with a stripe on her back.”
He came back with these. 

When I asked him why he didn’t git’er’done, he said. “They were all looking at me.”
Well. Imagine that. And your problem is?

I sent him back for another round of pictures and got these. 

Little Skunk Stripe Calf was laying down. Of course. Even little cows have to have a nap. 

I’m going to take a cue from her and do the same. Which is, by the way, another perk of my week at the farm. 

Happy Trails!


  1. How fun! And the whole picture thing sounds very familiar...I get the same response when I ask one of my crew to take a photo for me... :-)

  2. We've had a good time. I seem to get more pictures of nostrils than anything when I give the camera to Josiah!


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