Thursday, December 10, 2015

She was loved...

Do you have someone that has made a profound difference in your life?

I am fortunate to have been blessed with a few of those folks.

Heaven gained one of those precious ladies this week. I knew that she had been ill. She had battled for years. Yet...the news of her loss has left me with a sense of emptiness.

It has been a long time since I have sat at her knee and been blessed with the honest wisdom I needed to hear. Though I can sure point to a variety of times in the past several years that I  needed it...

She was there during some of the most difficult battles of my life.

She was the one who told me that it wasn't sin for me to ask for help when I struggled with anxiety after my car accident.

She often reminded me of my resiliency...when I felt anything but resilient.

She and her family made me one of their own. They laughed when I laughed and cried when I cried. They let me hug on their babies when I struggled to find one of my own.

There have been so many times through the years when I would be experiencing a trial and remember something this wise lady had told me.

I can't even imagine what her beloved family is going through. She was their cheerleader, their wise sage...

It isn't surprising that 100's of friends and acquaintances simply referred to her as Momma Scotta.

I am encouraged that one day we will see her again in Heaven.

In the meantime, I am inspired to follow a little in her footsteps. To speak plainly with compassion. To help those I love to know I am on their side. To live life with plenty of hobbies, passions, people and love.

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