The brain is a fascinating study. Since discovering Josiah
(who is 14) is dyslexic (and a few other “d” words), I have been open to trying
more things to just give him an upper hand. I find the whole science and
research around the brain fascinating.
Recently, we had the chance to review something unlike
anything I had ever come across before. It is a bone conduction headset by
Forbrain – Sound for Life Ltd. Forbrain isn’t a curriculum, supplement or therapy.
In fact, you can use it right along with all those things you child is
So I know I’ve sparked your curiosity. What is this
Forbrain? As I mentioned before, it is a bone conduction headset. It stimulates
the brain through the sound of your own voice. You can read more about how it works here.
Forbrain helps improve:
How it
Works and What I Thought
It is recommended that you use the device every day for 6-10
weeks. How long you use it depends on your age. For children under, it should
be used for 10 minutes a day. If your child is 5-15, it should be used for 15
minutes every day. If you are a teenager or an adult you can use Forbrain 20-30
minutes every day.
The device fits around your ears. It doesn’t fit like
headphones. We made that mistake when we first tried it out. It is easy to turn
on. It does take about 3 hours of charging time before you use it the first
time. There is also a volume control,
but it is already set to the best level. If your child has poor hearing or is
extremely sensitive to sound you can adjust it accordingly.
My main goal was for Josiah to use Forbrain while he reads
aloud. Like many kids with dyslexia, he
isn’t confident while reading aloud. He struggles with reading fluency and with
expression. Another benefit in using
Forbrain that interested me was Josiah’s focus and attention. He has difficulty
staying on task if there are distractions around him.
Every week, Josiah is assigned silent reading, as well as
oral reading. He tends to mumble under his breath while reading out loud or use
one of his favorite impressions (which is currently Dáin II Ironfoot from The
Battle of the Five Armies). I let him
chose from a variety of books for his read aloud assignments. These were the
books he used while trying out the Forbrain.
When he first started using it he still mumbled under his
breath. Now his volume has increased and I can see some new confidence building
in him. I can also see some focus building, as well.
It is still too early, I believe, to see significant changes
in his fluency, but I am certainly seeing improvement.
I, too, have tried out the Forbrain. Have you ever noticed
that you sound different when listening to yourself in a video, etc.? It’s
almost as if you can’t recognize your own voice. Let’s just say that I sound
like a hick! I didn’t realize my hillbilly drawl was as pronounced as it is.
This is certainly a product I am going to continue to use.
Forbrain does suggested that you take a little break after the initial 10-weeks
are over before starting back up again.
Forbrain is one of the easiest to use and interesting products I have ever had the privlege to review. I'm excited to see Josiah's progress continue.
You can read more reviews by clicking the banner below.

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