Hello, my friends. Welcome to the Schoolhouse Review Crew 5 Days of Homeschool 101 Blog Hop. Today the topic is Planning. If you have missed my post on making your curriculum work for you, head on over here.
I am a pretty awesome planner.
If I do say so myself.
What I have discovered, however, is that I tend to OVERPLAN. I take days to plan out weeks and months of homeschool lessons. I have every page #, experiment and field trip recorded in my cute little planner.
Do you do this? What
happens to me is that I have a beautifully thought out plan. Then life happens
and I get way behind with my beautifully thought out plan and then
discouragement sets in.
I’m. Never. Gonna. Get. Anything. Done.
The cold monster makes a sneak attack. Math happens. Or doesn't. Josiah discovers that he enjoys reading about the Wild West and would like to spend more time researching outlaws and the gold rush.
Pretty soon, nothing in my planner looks familiar and I've taken to hiding it in the bookshelf so I am not reminded how far behind I am.
Shew. I know that nobody has ever felt this way.
You can imagine that I’ve needed to take a different
direction in my planning madness.
If you are a faithful reader of my blog you are undoubtedly
shaking your head in confusion. I have stated many times that “I am not much of
a planner.”
This is the thing. It
doesn’t mean I can’t plan. It means that I have discovered that my previous
method of planning madness wasn’t effective. It just didn’t work for us.
I decided to go simple.
I still need a basic plan of action, but I need to be
flexible. What if Josiah needs more time with a math lesson? What if we want to
extend our Civil War unit? What if we want to take an impromptu field trip to
the cupcake store? For scientific observation purposes only, you understand.
Once a week or so, I sit down with homeschooling lists, curriculum
and books. I’m about to lay down for you
the secrets of my success. Of course, you realize that my “success” is
relative. I am a homeschooler, after
all. I take it where I can get it.
Before I sit down to plan I make a snack. I am
not responsible for anything that happens when I’m Hangry. You probably want to
keep it simple, but you can make it a
true event try making these Chocolate
Zucchini Brownies or this recipe for Low
Carb Pancake Muffins (I’m trying these out this week!) You can thank me
I brew a
fresh pot of tea. My favorite tea is Sweet and Spicy from the Good Earth. I use
my favorite tea cup. It makes me feel fancy and productive.
I bring out my secret weapon. A simple (but
cute) spiral notebook. In it I have written down our reading list for the year.
I also have included the composers, poets and artists we want to study. I check
my course of study I wrote down at the beginning of the year. Am I on track? Do
I need to rethink some things?
I then look through the curriculum and books we
are working through. Do we need to repeat anything? What supplies will I need
for next week? Do I need to add or take away any projects? Do I need to print
anything off? If I do need to print
something off, I do it ASAP or at least send it to the printers. I have a guy
(who knows a guy) who will print stuff off for 5 cents a copy (BW). You can’t
beat that when you are getting ready to tackle a notebooking project.
I threaten my teenager. If he doesn’t put away
those dishes in the drainer he is going to find himself in a world of hurt.
Moving on.
Then it is time to write out a simple assignment
list. I have goals for the whole week. For example, I might want Josiah to
finish the chapter on fossil fuels. I would like for him to read Psalm 23 every
day. We are also reading through Treasure Island. How long do we need to read
every day to get through the book? I
don’t necessarily write down assignments for every day at the beginning of the
week in my pretty spiral book. Having weekly goals have made a huge difference.
Every day, after our school day, I take out
Josiah’s assignment book. It is a simple spiral notebook. He doesn’t care if it
looks cute. I add what I would like him
to do the next day. I include any chores and activities that we have on the
agenda. He enjoys checking things off his list.
I pretend that Josiah ate all the chocolate zucchini
brownies. Planning is hard work!
Just a few notes. I obviously do a bit more planning at the
beginning of every year. I look through my curriculum. One of the advantages of
being a curriculum reviewer is that I have a bunch of it. I am a firm believer
of USING WHAT YOU HAVE. If I need to add or purchase anything I do so at our
local homeschool used bookstore or on Amazon. During really lean times, I have
purchased textbooks from The Thrift Store or use an out-of-print textbook found online to use as a guideline. I supplement
it with notebooking pages, lapbooks, documentaries, field trips and art
projects. The internet is a wonderful source for homeschoolers.
Don’t stress out about this!
Everybody has a different style of planning and administration. If you
need more structure then create more structure for yourself. If you are a
loosey goosey (welcome to my club) don’t chain yourself to a strict schedule.
Leave time for fun, games, walks in the park and a nap or two (and a few more
of those brownies!)

Totally agree that #1 and #2 are the MOST necessary for quality planning to take place. :) I so appreciate your perspective. It is definitely easy to overplan but it does leave you kind of dazed and lost when things don't work out like the plan. Flexibility with your plan is key.