We started homeschooling Josiah his 1st grade
year. Now that he’s almost a sophomore in High School I have a few years of
homeschooling experience under my belt. That being said, there are days that I
need inspiration, encouragement and maybe a different point of view. I just had
a chance to review Homeschool Rescue from Only Passionate Curiosity. I think it’s just what I needed at this stage
of my homeschool game.
Homeschool Rescue is an online course created especially for homeschooling
parents. It comes from the wonderful Heather Aliano from Only Passionate
Curiosity. Presently, there are 5
modules available. Each of those modules contain 3 to 5 lessons each. There are
some extras involved; an invitation to a Facebook support group, Student Accountability Pack, and a variety of planners.
Within each lesson there are homework sheets to print out and
links to helpful resources.
First things first. This is an easy to navigate website.
Clean, well-laid out, and just plain helpful.
I really can’t go into all the wonderful things that you will
find with Homeschool Rescue. I do want to show you just a few things I found
super handy and really spoke to me.
Personally, I found Module 2 to be among my favorites. It's where I'm living. The very first lesson was "Just Say No." I don't know if anyone else struggles with this, but I have a hard time setting boundaries. It seems as if everybody (and I mean everybody) wants a block of time and thinks because we homeschool that I'm available!
And because I don't want to disappoint anyone and I want to be a servant...You understand how this is.
Shew. Glad to get that off my chest.
Below is a screenshot from Lesson 1 of Module 2. Every lesson is set up the same way. The large box on the left is the video/lesson portion.
Here is a larger shot of the right side bar. This tells you how long the video is and gives you the opportunity to download the components of the lesson.

For example, I found the Homework assignment in Module 3 to be right what I needed. We had to keep record of our day. What was it that really kept me from achieving what I wanted to get done?
I had a few surprises (surely I didn't spend so much time doing that?) and then a few more that I knew were issues.
Beke. Put down the book. You can wait to finish until after supper.
You do know I'm talking about me and not Josiah.
Another Lesson in Module 5 kept me busy taking notes! This one was all about Teenagers.
Below is a screenshot of all the resources and goodies available for us with this lesson.
There was such great wisdom in this lesson. It was one of the longer ones, but it was well worth the 30 minutes!
There are so many things I don't feel ready for while I parent my teen. Many topics in the lesson were things my husband and I have recently discussed and fretted about.
Mostly, we were encouraged to "don't stress the small stuff!"
I can't recommend this course enough. I listened while piddling at my desk or doing a chore or another activities. I found Homeschool Rescue to be an encouraging dose of "let's do this!"
It gave me practical ways to accomplish those things that I have let go or just encountered at this stage of my homeschool journey. This is one worth taking a look at!
You can connect with Only Passionate via the following social media outlets. Don't forget to click on the banner to read more reviews!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OnlyPassionateCuriosity/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/opchomeschool
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/OPChomeschool/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onlypassionatecuriosity/
Goggle+: https://plus.google.com/b/110290451358830656260/+OnlypassionatecuriosityHomeschool
Twitter: https://twitter.com/opchomeschool
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/OPChomeschool/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onlypassionatecuriosity/
Goggle+: https://plus.google.com/b/110290451358830656260/+OnlypassionatecuriosityHomeschool

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