It’s true. I have a high-schooler. I know! It won’t be too
long before my young man will be charting the course for his life and career.
Have you ever heard of internships? I just got a chance to review Internshipfor High School Credit from Apologia Educational Ministries.

This book is a brand new resources. It is written by Sherri
Seligson and provides step by step help in planning and implementing a
successful internship. It is not only a guidebook, but it’s a workbook for both
parents and students.
Let me break it down for you.
Part I:
Getting Started
This section helps the student choose what sort of internship
he or she would like to undertake. It also includes how write a resume and
prepare for the interview.
Part II: Information
for Parents
This section is specifically for parents. It deals with how
to document transcripts and helps you figure out the credits and grading during
an internship.
Part III:
First Semester
This sections contains worksheets for evaluating and
Part IV: Second
This section contains MORE worksheets. They are just specific
to the end of the year concerns and things to think about it.
Part V:
Course Wrap-Up
This teaches students how to write thank you notes, etc.
There is a final writing assignment involved, as well.
How We Used
Now Josiah isn’t quite ready for an internship. However, I
would love to help him prepare for one in future. I think it’s a fabulous and
innovative way to introduce students to a possible career.
In some ways, I think it would be helpful for all students to
do an internship in a career field they are interested in. For example, I had
no aspirations to be a teacher when I was younger. It wasn’t something that
wasn’t even on my radar. It wasn’t until I started working at a preschool when
I was a young woman that I realized I had a knack and that in turn changed my
educational goals and plans.
There are so many practical suggestions and helps. For
example, there is a list of what bring to an interview. There are also some
helpful hints going into the interview. Being on time? Yes! Sit up straight and
appear interested? Yes!
I found the chapter with information especially for parents
to be extremely helpful. It provides labor laws and upon reading this
particular section I found out that states don’t allow minors to perform
dangerous jobs. Which takes Josiah’s desire to work as intern with a storm
chasing outfit off the table.
For those of who are anxious about assign High School credit
for the course there are guidelines.
The worksheets included in the course cover a variety of
topics. For example, there is a question about work attire. Another question
requires the student to think critically about the career field they are
interning in. Is it a fit? Does that student possess that necessary spark of
passion it takes to pursue that particular career? The student is also asked to
ask his or her supervisor for constructive feedback.
Farther along in the internship, students are write about any
victories or struggles during the internship. They are also encouraged to view
any unpleasant experiences as a way to grow spiritually.
I LOVE that!
Included towards the end of the book are forms meant to be
filled out by the supervisor. There is also helps with writing a thank you
letter to employs and how to approach the supervisor for letter of
Of course, I haven’t listed everything included in the book,
but I hope I have shared with you enough tidbits to spark your interest. This
is an EXCELLENT resource.
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