It's possible I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. When I was quite small I had dreams of the ballet. Of course, there wasn't a tutu within 50 miles of our little hill town. But it was the call of the archaeologist that held my attention for most of my childhood and teen years.
Obviously, I didn't grow up to be Indiana Jones.
I worked as a hairstylist. I was a telephone operator. I have been a teacher of music, kindergarten and pre-school. I even became the lunch lady at a sweet little preschool.
Best. Job. Ever.
Now I can call myself a freelance writer because (on occasion) I make a little money writing. It's hard to believe, I know.
Josiah wanted to be a weatherman when he was little. Or a football player with the NFL. Now he has the illustrious goal of playing video games or at least, an 80's rocker.
The boy needs direction.
CashCrunch Careers is intended for those looking to change careers or begin one.
The goal is to provide users with the necessary tools to learn more about themselves and in turn explore different careers based on those strengths and motivations.
When we first logged on to the site we took a survey. I have to say it was eye-opening. Josiah is fairly laid back and I was surprised at some of his answers. Let's just say he sees himself differently and perhaps has more ambition than I realized.
I do have some advice when taking the survey. Go with your first instinct. There are some answers that seem similar or not applicable, but it's best not to labor over the thing.
After we took the survey we got a report.
I'll show you some of mine first. It gave me a summary of my Career Work Style, Motivators & De-motivators, Career Attributes, and Career Match.
The Motivators & De-motivators summary reassured me that I generate useful ideas and creative...among other things. All which are pretty correct.
Below are my Career Attributes with the strongest ones listed first.
I was terribly disappointed with my Career Matches. I thought for sure Fairy Princess, Expert Book Reader and Super Hero would towards the top of my list.
To be honest, I was surprised with all the "manager" positions. I just really like to be left alone. The site explains that there are jobs within those jobs.
When I clicked on the top career "General and Operation Managers" it gave me a list of tasks someone in this profession might need to do.
Now here is where it gets more specific. Within my top career of "General and Operation Mangement" is a whole list of specific careers. I do have to say that some of the accounting titles freaked me out. I think accounting involves math.
Josiah's report was different enough that I could see that there wasn't just a set report sent to everyone.

I thought "close supervision of work" as a de-motivator was spot on. Also being alone in a room, without a phone. Sounds like heaven to me...but apparently doesn't appeal to Josiah.
Many of our Career Matches were the same...though there were some differences. I did have to explain to him that "Gaming Managers" was not managing a bunch of guys playing video games.
Take a look at this video to see it in action.
There is a whole lot on this site. It is available 24/7 so you and your kiddos can revisit as often as you need to.
Personally, I found the whole process fascinating. For one, it reaffirmed some things I know about myself but perhaps had forgotten.
Josiah had a blast exploring the site. You can also check out the FREE CashCrunch 101 games. It also nice to know that the creator of CashCrunch is a teacher on He has a Personal Finance in Bite-Size Chunks.
This was neat experience and we plan on revisiting it. Though I do have a suggestion for another Career category. I hear there is a big market for Fairy Princesses.
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