You might have noticed that I have reviewed a number of
Memoria Press products over the years. Memoria Press has really become one of
my favorite publishers. For one, they produce such quality materials. My review
today goes even beyond my expectations. For this review, I got to take a look
at The Story of the Thirteen Colonies & the Great Republic Set and 200 Questions About American History set for grades 5-8.
What I Received
I got a number of goodies in the mail. The Story of the
Thirteen Colonies & the Great Republic Set includes:
The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and the Great Republic
The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and the Great Republic
Student Guide
The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and the Great Republic
Teacher Guide
In addition to those products, I received the 200 Questions
About American History Set.
The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and The Great Republic
are actually two separate works written in the late 1800s by British historian H.A. Guerber.
Memoria Press edited Ms. Guerber’s works to allow us to see better history unfolding through the lens of time. The book begins with life for Native Americans
before the entrance of Europeans and ends with the Spanish American War.
The 200 Questions About American History Set (which includes
student, teachers guides, plus flash cards) was compiled as a supplement. It
contains (obviously) 200 questions that every American should know about
history. Be aware that there are a few modifications given on the website to use this product. I think it was originally compiled to use with another history book and they are still working on that one.
You do need to know that the Student Guides are all consumable
and each of your students is going to need their own copy.
We are all about the history here in our house. I even do
some writing of my own history curriculum.
That being said, I don’t like to
present our history in a dry or dusty manner. I LOVED the H.A. Guerber book. It
is really delightful. More importantly, my son loved it.
My son (who is High School) is dyslexic. As a result, we have done the majority of our
reading aloud or via audio books. I was curious to see if this product would be
one he could read on his own. I simply assigned him a section a day. He was
really hooked. He has been sharing with us all kinds of tidbits he’s learning
along the way.
We have been doing a rather hurried version of the recommended
schedule for our “summer school” months. There won’t be any schooling in July,
so I thought this product would be a great one to squeeze into our rotation.
That being said, it is intended to use as a one-year survey for those middle
school kids.
The Guides themselves are classic Memoria Press. Each lesson
Facts to Know
Comprehension Questions
The Enrichment portion might include map work or a writing
assignment. There are also many primary source assignments (which I LOVE), as
The Appendix in both the Student and Teachers Guides
include maps, lots of primary sources, a time line, etc. The primary sources
include a letter from George Washington to his wife, Martha. There are also excerpts
from Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, the
Constitution (everybody needs to re-read it) and the Emancipation Proclamation.
Plus, more!
The Teachers Guide also includes tests and the answers to
those tests.
I don’t know about you, but I need those answers!
We have had a lot of fun with the 200 Questions set. There
is a recommended schedule to use with each chapter in The Thirteen Colonies.
There are Drill Questions, dates to know, famous quotes to remember and a
section that helps the student learn all the Presidents in order.
The 200 Questions About American History Flashcards are sold separately and can be used with any history curriculum.
The 200 Questions About American History Flashcards are sold separately and can be used with any history curriculum.
One of the great things about Memoria Press is that they
make it easier for you, the teacher. The products are well-constructed and
thoughtful. It is a Classical Education company so the material isn’t skimpy
and watered down. I have found many of their products fit well with my own eclectic/Charlotte
Mason/Unit Study sensibilities.
This particular group of products is really terrific. I
know your kiddos (and yourself) will enjoy the writing style of Ms. Guerber.
Memoria Press has another winner in our house!
Don’t forget to connect with Memoria Press via the following
social media outlets. Don’t forget to read more reviews about this product and
more by clicking on the banner below.

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