Today I am going to list a few of my favorite books from my youth for you.
This was really a HARD post. I had so many books I loved. I also read (and still read) like I was reading to save my life.
There were many that passed through my hands. I am going to list the special ones. Most of these I still have a copy of and have shared with my son (with the exception of the Judy Blume book :<)0.
Some of you probably have a favorite here, too.
1. Little House on the Prairie - Laura Ingalls Wilder
I loved Laura and the adventures of her family. All of her books were special to me, but there is something about the wildness and her descriptions of living in Indian territory.
2. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe- C.S. Lewis
This one has to be on your list too. I was so enthralled with the story that I read it over and over again. These were some of the first books I introduced to my son when we started reading chapter books together.
3. The Hobbit - JR Tolkien
An absolute treasure. I am still obsessed with it. Josiah and I have listened to several versions of the audiobook.
4. The Girl with the Silver Eyes - Willow Davis Roberts
My 5th grade teacher read this book aloud to us. I was hooked. I do enjoy a bit of sci-fi so it was right up my ally.
5. "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" - Judy Blume
This is a growing up book. I read it 100 times.
6. Island of the Blue Dolphins - Scott O'Dell
This book is about a girl who is stranded on an island. I did not realize until years later that it was actually based on a true story.
7. Julie of the Wolves - Jean Craighead George
This book is about an Inuk girl. She escapes an abusive marriage (!) and runs away to join her pen pal in San Fransisco. She is lost in the Alaskan wilderness with only a wolf pack to help her survive. I also only discovered that this book was quite controversial for its time because of the themes and descriptions. I did not know this. I guess my parents decided I was capable of handling it.
8. The Witch of Blackbird Pond - Elizabeth George Speare
This is a historical book during the time of the Salem Witch Trials.
9. Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
This is another treasure I read over and over. One of the sequels, "Little Men," was another favorite of mine. I still have my original copy my grandma got me for Christmas.
10. The Secret of the Mansion (Trixie Belden)
I had a hard time with this last one. I had several I could have plunked right here. But nothing does a body good like a good mystery. I loved Nancy Drew AND Trixie Belden. This is the first Trixie Belden novel and I have a copy tucked with my books. Good stuff.
That's all I have for this post. I'll see you tomorrow!

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