Sunday, April 19, 2020

Projects to do...

It's late Sunday evening.

I'm in the corner of my comfy couch dressed in my jammies.

I've not felt well today. I'm sure it's not the Rona. It's my annual tour of seasonal allergies. I love spring. Most of it. All the pretty blooming things make me cough. And sneeze.

I also had a fairly unproductive day. I was going to do a bit of house cleaning and laundry. I'm still feeling like a bit of an unrepentant sinner. I haven't been to a physical church service in a month. Does anyone else feel kind of naughty? It's probably the Preacher's Kid in me, too. We didn't miss church unless we were close to dead.

Being a Pastor's wife isn't a whole lot different. I also feel like I have to apologize profusely whenever I miss.

I will have a video out tomorrow. I filmed a little bit of a chat Friday. I was doing church videos so I thought, "why not?" In it, I talk about how I have been struggling with writer's block.

What is ironic is that the next morning I got up and whipped out a blog article for the Homeschooling with Heart (Old Schoolhouse) Blog. I'm not saying it's worth reading but I didn't struggle with it as much as I had anticipated.

This week I do have a list of things to do that are a priority. I still want to be writing. But these are things that need a bit of dedicated time and I am going to take advantage of our continued stay-at-home order.

Josiah and I are going to go through his clothes.

This is going to be scary. Pray for me. The boy doesn't throw anything away. He is emotionally attached to his holey socks. The last few times I have gone through his clothes and scrubbed down his room he was in Missouri at the farm.

Again. Pray for me.

I want to paint a door.

Actually, I would love it The Muffin painted the door. But I"m not going to push my luck. What I think I'll do is start painting the door and look pitiful. I can certainly paint the door myself. But there are other things on my list.

Like weeding out the flower beds and getting some stuff in the ground. I did not inherit my father's green thumb. I think my baby sister did. She also inherited my momma's art skills. I inherited poor eyesight and obsession.

I'm not bitter.

But back to that garden. I have a vision in my head for my front porch. We shall see if I can pull it off. If The Muffin paints that door for me, I might convince him to paint that wicker love seat a friend gave me.

Our front porch has potential. But we still have our Christmas flag flying outside, ya'll. I think it's time to update. I've got a Pinterest board dedicated to the subject of cozy porches. We'll see what I come up with.

Well. I think I've used the remainder of words for the day. I've got another murder mystery I'm reading. I can't stand going to be bed without knowing "who dun-it."

Do you have any projects waiting to be done?

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