Like with everything in my life I will admit that I don’t
have this topic figured out. We are still raising our Little Man.
All of us have aspirations for our kids.
My husband and I (aka The Studly Muffin) perhaps have
simpler dreams for Josiah.
We don’t care if he is popular…just that he treats everyone
with kindness.
We don’t care if he is wealthy…just that he works hard,
manages what he does have and shares with those who have need.
We both aren’t particularly ambitious ourselves. Life has
thrown too many curve balls our way. If we spent time worrying about the “what
if” we would have given up a long time ago. Josiah’s character means more than
his earning power.
There is one thing, however, that we hope for above all else.
That Josiah has a meaningful and lasting relationship with Christ. That he
makes a difference for The Kingdom.
As Christians, there is often a tendency to focus on the
culture of Christianity. We have a lists
of things we don’t do. We make lists of scriptures to memorize. We debate
doctrine and church practices. We are good and we know it.
Let me tell you what my son sees. He sees my life. Sure. There
are doctrines and beliefs that we hold to. We focus on discipleship and
self-discipline. These things all fall under the “training” part.
But this is the thing. Are we living what we say we believe?
And are we living a Grace-filled life?
This passage of Scripture found in Matthew 26:34-40 is the
whole ball of wax.
“Teacher, which is
the great commandment in the law?”
Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with
all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’This is the first
and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor
as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
Does my life show the heart of Jesus? Am I truly keeping His
My son is watching when I can’t forgive an offensive. My son
is watching when I fail to walk in humility. My son is watching when I just
can’t seem to be nice or considerate to my neighbor. My son is watching when I
am impatient with what I perceive is the failings of others. My son is
listening when I gossip. My son is watching when I am unrepentant and act the
“know it all.” My son is watching when I don’t extend grace to others and to myself.
My son is watching when I put other things ahead of my Relationship with the
Heavenly Father.
More than anything. It is my life and my words and my deeds
that are the model for his own life.
I recognize that Josiah can’t get to heaven on my coattails.
Nevertheless, it horrifies me to think my actions and attitudes could draw him away.
You can read the first two posts in my 5 Days of Homeschooling Blog Hop. Our One and Only and How to Giddy-up When Your Giddy-Up's Gone.
I'm joining in with some of my TOS Blogger friends. Check them out!

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