Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Weight Loss Journal: Sweetie

Hiya! My intention was that I would sneak last week's weight loss journal in before I needed to post this week's weight loss journal. Then I realized I hadn't posted a weight loss journal from the week before.

I do believe that is called a mighty big avoidance issue.

I do have good news to report. I have been losing inches! I have been very consistent with my T-Tapp workout and I can see results.

I think the issue comes when I don't see it as fast as I would like. That has always been a big problem with me. I don't get bored in the sense that I am itching for something different to do. I get bored with routine. If I don't feel and see results I get discouraged. I also get bored with my decor easily. Which is a problem when living in a 700sqft. apartment. But, that it for a different blog post altogether.

Losing another person is tough. I think because of the popularity of weight loss shows, etc., we think it should happen faster than it really does. Real life does not resemble reality tv.

The "word" for 2014 I chose was Consistency. I think consistency is pretty much the key to the whole weight loss journey. And patience. And maybe tenacity.

I am planning in the next few weeks to possibly photograph my daily meals. I am frequently asked, "What have you done to lose so much weight?" Maybe my current path will give somebody motivation to keep on (keeping on).

Yesterday, I shared with you the beautiful Carrot Cake recipe my mama made for me on my birthday. It is gluten and sugar free. Which was such a blessing. I inhaled it like Josiah inhales Cheetos. I honestly used to think I didn't have much of a sweet tooth. I have been diabetic for years and really did  well with the whole "sweet eating" thing. It wasn't until I started my low GI (glycemic index) plan that I realized how many extra sugars I had been allowing into my diet. Just because it isn't a sweet dessert doesn't mean it isn't loaded with sugars.

I have a few resources that have been helpful for me.

I follow (loosely) the Trim Healthy Mama plan. That plan also really eliminates hidden sugars. I challenge you to start reading labels and doing research on the whole thing. Some other good resources are the "Eat This, Not That" books by . We have the Eat This, Not That Supermarket Survival Guide. You should have seen how crazy the The Studly Muffin and I were when we first got the book. We carried it everywhere. I still like to refer to it.

You do realize, however, that all the books and the plans in the world will only work if  you WORK.  I also have come to understand that my weight loss journey is not defined by those less desirable choices. Say for example, I give into my craving of a Turtle Pecan Master Blast from Sonic (say on a pleasant Thursday evening).

This is the deal. I am far enough along in this journey to know that beating myself up about that Turtle Pecan Master Blast from Sonic (say on a pleasant Thursday evening) isn't going to be helpful.

 It's even less helpful if I give up. Being a mature person means I take responsibility for those choices. I pick myself up (literally. That Master Blaster knocked me out!) and continue on the journey.

So my friends. Don't quit! Even if you aren't seeing results. There have been months I haven't seen the scale drop, then all of the sudden it starts to move again. Sometimes the body needs to adjust and adapt. You can't go wrong with moving, eating well and taking care of yourself.

Random alert! I just typed "Live Long and Prosper!" Then promptly hit the backspace button. I was in the moment and channeling my inner Dr. Spock. Just a thought...Did you ever see any chubby folks on Star Trek? I honestly don't remember any. They must not have had a Sonic on board.

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