Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Everyday Family Chore System (A Homeschool Review Crew Post)

I have something terrible to admit.

 I am not a neat freak.

I know! Shocking! When I was a little girl my room was usually cluttered with books and shoes. To be honest with you, not much has changed. Anyhoo...My momma, realizing I hadn’t been adequately sprinkled with enough of the tidy gene, made sure she gave me the tools to keep the messy at bay (mostly). Managing my own home and teaching my son to be a productive “tidy man” has had its challenges for me. This summer I had the chance to review The Everyday Family Chore System from Everyday Homemaking.

The Everyday FAMILY Chore System

I received a spiral bound hardcopy of The Everyday Family Chore System. Everyday Homemaking was created by Viki Bently. She is the homeschool momma of 8 (!) and has been a foster mother to dozens and dozens of children.

She probably knows a few things about keeping things tidy.

There are three parts to the Everyday Family Chore System.

 Part One ~ Laying a Foundation
 Part Two ~ Implementing the Plan
 Part Three ~ The Actual Chore System

Part One helps you understand the importance of laying a foundation. The best way to laying that foundation is to be examples for our children to follow. This has more to do how we serve others and serve God than even learning how to do “chores.” We are also encouraged that we need to TEACH our children to clean properly. Nobody knows how to fold a towel properly from birth…and least not that I’ve seen. I need to model my expectations for my son.

We are also encouraged to have realistic expectations.

Part Two is the practical part. There is a fabulous life skills checklist that made me rethink my plans for Josiah’s life skills education.  I need to up my game. She gives you a list of age appropriate chores and several ways to implement the system for your family. This isn’t a one-size fits all program. It’s perfectly adaptable for all sizes and needs of family. I love the idea of setting a morning routine with clear expectations.

Part Three contains all the chore cards. This include a good section of chore cards, as well as blank cards. I love the “How-To-Do-It Cards.”

So here is my deal. I want to live in a home that is visually appealing. I want to be able to go to bed at night between clean sheets. I want to have clean laundry in the drawers. I want my fridge to be clean and tidy and void of any unplanned science projects. I want to be able invite people in the front door without making excuses involving spontaneous indoor natural disasters or alien invasion. I want my son to be able not only contribute his time and energy towards those goals, but I want him to leave my home knowing how to feed himself without the aid of fast food, take care of basic home repairs and know how to scrub a toilet or a floor.

We have done fairly well in some departments. He can do laundry, load the dishwasher and flip a pancake. He knows how to sweep the floor and run a vacuum cleaner. What I haven’t been so good with is structuring my expectations for him AND broadening his household duties. The “How to Do It” Cards have been helpful, even for me.

For example, the regular chore cards contain things like:

Sort laundry
Clean inside glass
Clear the table
Clean out the toaster
And set the table.

The “How-to-Do-It” Cards go even further. The “How to” Clear the Table card says:

Take serving dishes, pans, silverware, butter, dishes, dirty napkins, etc. from table and serving places into kitchen.
Put away any food/leftovers.
With damp cloth, wipe off table and chairs.
Clean up around table (sweep floor if needed)
Push in chairs
Neatly arrange any table top items.

Are you kidding? I NEED this! Instead of expecting Josiah to read my mind, here Vicky has given me mini-lessons on how to do about any household chore.

I found the “How To” Cards so helpful that I am planning on “teaching” Josiah a new skill every week. Almost like Home EC. 

There were several examples on how to implement the chore system. I have been making a list for Josiah daily and I think I am going to keep that particular method. I have, however, been placing the “How-To” cards on the fridge for reference. We also talk about my expectations and I’ve modeled some of those tasks that he isn’t as familiar with.

I have a feeling our cooking experiences are going to need some time. Though he can cook up some fish sticks and tater tots like a champ.

I wasn’t sure how much this book would help me…the mother of one son. I didn’t know what to expect. However, I’ve been pleasantly surprised. There have been nuggets of wisdom and practical advice I’ve been able to implement.

I think it’s a handy and encouraging resource for any family!

Right now you can save 10% off The Everyday Family Chore System and/or Everyday Cooking (print or e-book) through Labor Day! Use the code TOS10books after you’ve added your book (or books!) to your card. This offer expires September 5, 2017. 

You can connect with Everyday Homemaking via the following social media outlets. Don't forget to click on the banner below to read more reviews. Other members of the Homeschool Review Crew also reviewed Everyday Cooking. 

Everyday Cooking and Chores Systems for your Family {Everyday Homemaking Reviews}
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for reviewing the book. And you know what? I was a messy kiddo,and a messy young homemaker! I am not naturally organized, so once I started having children, I HAD to find ways to take my internal organization and translate it to my physical environment. Thus, this book! :) I hope it helps your day run more smoothly!


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