Thursday, January 4, 2018

New Year. Stuff. From the Couch

Happy New Year!

I hope you are having a wonderful day wherever you are.

We have SNOW on the ground and are experiencing mighty cold weather. It's the kind of weather that freezes your face off.

The Studly Muffin and Josiah got up and went to the men's community Bible study they go to every other week. The Muffin went out to start the car and the thermometer said it was -6 degrees.


Princess and I have elected to occupy our corner on the couch wrapped in the fuzzy robe my momma got me for Christmas. I haven't even started the coffee yet this morning.

Speaking of dropping off the face of the earth (because easy transition sentences aren't coming to me this morning, nor apparently, are blog post titles) I realize I haven't posted in ages. It isn't because I haven't had anything to say. I've either been too stinking busy or suffering some sort of writer's block.

You will not believe how many blog posts I've started. They all begin with something like this.

Hi friends, it's been a while....

Hello! I know I haven't posted....

Good Morning! I'm still here...

And that's about it.

So much for my great plans to blog over the Christmas holiday.

I had great plans for writing an inspiring New Year's post laying out all my bright and new shiny goals for this next year.

This will happen eventually, but in my dealings with chronic illness/disappointments/life challenges over the years, I've come to realize that it is perfectly fine and more advantageous to tackle what is right in front of you. I've talked about this a lot, but I live by this is made up of tiny moments. Don't spend it waiting for the big things. Learn to live a beautiful life TODAY.

Sometimes, we just need to start where we are. And where I am this morning is on the couch.

With my cat.

This week, my goals are simple.  I have been doing my annual New Year's purge (I was challenge my this post from my sister-in-law) and making over one meal.

What does this look like?

Every day I have been getting ready of something or somethings according to the calendar date. For example, today is the 4th of January. This means I am purging 4 things from my home. It is that simple. Tomorrow I will purge 5. Believe me. We are homeschoolers. I have more than enough clutter in my little office to last me until, at least, June. Eventually, this month I am going to reorganize my kitchen, but for now, I feel accomplished just doing what I'm doing.

Making over my meals is something I have found helps when refocusing my healthy lifestyle. It is vitally important for me to eat a certain way, but sometimes difficult depending on how well I feel at the time. I have found that if I focus on one meal at a time, I am more likely to succeed. This week, I am working on breakfast. I'll talk more about this in a future post.

Meanwhile. You will find me on the couch with Princess the Cat. I think it's time to make the coffee.

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