Friday, January 3, 2020

New Year! And some changes...

It's Friday night! I'm occupying my favorite corner of my comfy couch and Princess the Cat is curled up beside me.

Life is grand, my friends.

Except that we spent the morning in the ER with The Studly Muffin.

Ya'll. The man has a NASTY virus. I won't even begin to describe the things I've seen and heard. Let's just say I spent a good bit of time today completely disinfecting the house.

I thought I would write a little bit tonight about some big changes that have occurred in my life and some of my plans for the future and moving forward.

First things first. You might know that I have been a reviewer with the Old Schoolhouse Magazine and Homeschool Review Crew for a number of years. I can't even tell you how much my family and I have benefited from being a part of the Crew.

Because of my health issues this past summer, I decided not to renew my commitment to them this year.

I know! I can hardly believe it myself. They have been a part of my life and homeschool for so long now...I scarcely know how to act. I expected to be a part of the Crew until Josiah graduated...and maybe longer if I could find a way to reinvite myself every year.

Sometimes, however, you have to make tough choices. There were things in my life that needed addressing. My health basically took a bit of a nosedive and I needed to pay closer attention to myself.  I am still writing for The Old Schoolhouse Blog monthly and I have another history curriculum in the works.

I was supposed to have completed it prior to the fall semester but that is when things really went south for me. My editor has been wonderful. She even sent us a care package when I got home from the hospital filled with all the things that we needed around the house.

I am still going to work on that curriculum, but it has taken me a bit to get my feet back under me.

Part of the journey I am taking has required some fairly strict lifestyle changes. I have always had fairly healthy habits. But let's be honest about this. Some of us have to be more careful. I have battled with my weight for years. And this year I was losing that battle in a big way.

After having a fairly blunt conversation with my cardiologist, I have really turned a corner.

For one, he sent me to a nutritionist. While I was eager to go, I was also a bit skeptical. The modern American health guidelines for a "healthy plate" haven't been so healthy.

Too many added sugars and not enough concentration on food as medicine.

Well...I hit the jackpot with my nutritionist. I knew when he started prescribing me things like "1 tsp. of turmeric" with breakfast that I was in good hands. He speaks my language.

I have had great success thus far and I even lost weight over the holidays. I realize that my eating plan won't be for everyone. But I want to try and start sharing my weekly meal plan. At least, the evening meals. I used to share my meal plans every week...but got out of the habit.

I'm not sure what days I'll post those. I'm trying to get back into a regular rhythm of blogging writing again. We shall see.

Speaking of blog writing...I have been horrible. I had started doing a little video work but even that has been an effort. But here is the thing. I began my blog years ago when I was going through a particular devastating health and life crisis. Writing did more for me than about anything and through the years I've let some things drift away that needed to be spoken or written about.

It has never been about building a business or gaining a readership. As far as I know, my readership consists of my momma and a Russian bot or two.

Anyhoo. I am excited to find my new normal again. And hopefully, that new normal will include a lot more writing, building healthy habits and a few more Russian bot readers.

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